Posts filed under P6

P6 & P7 Cake Break

The School Council run P6 and P7 'Cake Break' was a roaring success. Much cake was eaten and enjoyed and they raised a fantastic £190 for their chosen charities. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed the delicious sweet treats. Special mention goes to  Ella, Leah, Betty and Hollie who made beautiful bracelets and sold them on Friday too. Special mention also to Joshua, our budding documentary photographer, for his great photography skills! More fundraising activities will come in the second week of June!

Posted on May 13, 2024 and filed under P6, P7.

Concern Worldwide Book Sale

Pupils from all classes had a fantastic time looking through the books provided by Concern Worldwide. Thanks to our fabulous P7’s for reading to some of our younger children and suggesting book titles. It was wonderful to be able to welcome parents to buy books after school. There was such a buzz around the hall.

Posted on March 8, 2024 and filed under P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7.

Children's Mental Health Week

The pupils enjoyed wearing colourful clothes to raise money for Place2Be and celebrate the end of Children’s Mental Health Week!

Posted on February 9, 2024 and filed under P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7.

P6 Young Enterprise

Well done to all P6 pupils on the successful completion of The Young Enterprise Our World project. Pupils worked together to design, advertise and present a product for a target market. Well done P6, you worked well together and your designs were fantastic!

Posted on December 21, 2023 and filed under P6.

Christmas Post at HPS!

There is excitement about the posting and receiving of Christmas cards in school. Thanks to our P7 pupils who will be sorting and distributing thousands of cards to classes in the coming days. Thanks to everyone who has bought charity stamps in aid of the Cedar  Foundation.


Posted on December 13, 2023 and filed under P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7.

P6 Viking Day

P6 had a super day dressing as Vikings, eating a “Viking” breakfast, and making Viking masks, bracelets and scratch boards. They really enjoyed re-enacting a Viking battle.

Posted on April 25, 2023 and filed under P6.

Out and about in Holywood

Some of our great P6 pupils got the opportunity to get out and about in Holywood. They even had time to stop off for a treat before heading back to HPS. All smiles from everyone!

Posted on March 8, 2023 and filed under P6.

Jingle Bell Rock

P6 have had great fun during Jingle Bell Rock! They were totally danced out by the end!

Posted on December 15, 2022 and filed under P6.

A visit from a Giant

P6 enjoyed a visit from Belfast Giant defender Mark. He took time out of his busy day to call in and talk to all the pupils about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. He also answered many questions about ice hockey.

Posted on December 15, 2022 and filed under P6.

P6 cause a storm in a jar!

P6 had great fun carrying out a science experiment related to our Weather topic. Using a jar, shaving foam, water and some food dye they recreated a storm. Great fun was had all round!

Posted on October 18, 2022 and filed under P6.

P6 Room 12 Conlig Activity Centre

A fantastic day was had by all…..thank you Noel, Scott and Hazel! Team building, fire making and archery went down a treat, especially the toated marshmallows!

Posted on June 17, 2022 and filed under P6.

P6 Pupil Donates Hair to Little Princess Trust

Congratulations to P6 pupil Zara for donating her hair to Little Princess Trust. What an amazing act of kindness Zara, well done!

 Zara has written an account of her experience…

Before I got my hair cut off and donated it to Little Princess Trust, my mum tried to find somewhere to cut my hair but everywhere was booked out. It was getting to the stage where it was really really long! My mum suggested donating it to Little Princess Trust. I had a long hard think about it and it took days for me to decide but finally I said that is what I shall do.

I got really nervous about it as the day of the cut came nearer and nearer. There was still the option not to do it, but I had my mind made up. About a year before the cut I was going to do it but I got cold feet and decided not to so I was worried that would happen again. My mum didn’t think I would do it, but the day came and I did! I was very proud and I hope the girl who gets my hair is happy.

Posted on February 1, 2022 and filed under P6.

P6 Adverts

P6 took on the role as advertisers and created some eye-catching advertisements that included catchy slogans and persuasive language to convince their target audience to buy the product. Well done P6!

Posted on June 23, 2020 and filed under P6.

Sumdog Winners!

Sumdog NI South Eastern Maths Week!

Sumdog NI South Eastern Maths Week!

Sumdog held a Maths contest last week and our P5-P7 classes took part. Everyone did brilliantly and solved lots of the Maths problems. Well done everyone!

Here are photos of the amazing pupils who came top of their class and also of P5 pupil Dylan who came first in the whole school! Dylan came 143rd out of 892 pupils from all the EA South Eastern schools that took part.

Congratulations to all the winners!


P5 Rm7- Luke                  P5 Rm8- Emma                         P5 Rm14- Dylan

P6 Rm11- Omar              P6 Rm12- Charlie

P7 Rm9- Joshua              P7 Rm10- James

Overall HPS Winner- Dylan from P5 Room 14

Posted on February 4, 2020 and filed under P5, P6, P7.

Marvellous Masterpieces by Art Club!

Posted on January 21, 2020 and filed under P6, P7.