P6 Pupil Donates Hair to Little Princess Trust

Congratulations to P6 pupil Zara for donating her hair to Little Princess Trust. What an amazing act of kindness Zara, well done!

 Zara has written an account of her experience…

Before I got my hair cut off and donated it to Little Princess Trust, my mum tried to find somewhere to cut my hair but everywhere was booked out. It was getting to the stage where it was really really long! My mum suggested donating it to Little Princess Trust. I had a long hard think about it and it took days for me to decide but finally I said that is what I shall do.

I got really nervous about it as the day of the cut came nearer and nearer. There was still the option not to do it, but I had my mind made up. About a year before the cut I was going to do it but I got cold feet and decided not to so I was worried that would happen again. My mum didn’t think I would do it, but the day came and I did! I was very proud and I hope the girl who gets my hair is happy.

Posted on February 1, 2022 and filed under P6.