Posts filed under P4

P4 Trip to Lough Neagh Discovery Centre

The P4 year group loved their days at the Lough Neagh Discovery Centre this week. We have been learning about Lough Neagh as part of our Northern Ireland topic. We had great fun pond dipping and searching for mini beast in the woodlands area. These activities brought to life our current school Eco topics of biodiversity and marine life; it was fascinating to learn about the interdependence of local food chains and the importance of the Lough Neagh fly! The play park was also a great hit!

Posted on May 3, 2024 and filed under Eco Club, P4.

USPCA visit P3 and P4

Thank you to Lauren who came to talk to us about the USPCA. We loved seeing the photos and videos of all the animals they rescue and care for.

Posted on April 23, 2024 and filed under P3, P4.

Concern Worldwide Book Sale

Pupils from all classes had a fantastic time looking through the books provided by Concern Worldwide. Thanks to our fabulous P7’s for reading to some of our younger children and suggesting book titles. It was wonderful to be able to welcome parents to buy books after school. There was such a buzz around the hall.

Posted on March 8, 2024 and filed under P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7.

Children's Mental Health Week

The pupils enjoyed wearing colourful clothes to raise money for Place2Be and celebrate the end of Children’s Mental Health Week!

Posted on February 9, 2024 and filed under P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7.

P4 plant carrot seeds

P4 planted carrot seeds today. We learned about the Dig for Victory campaign in their WW2 topic and the importance of growing vegetables to help the war effort. As part of our Eco topic on Healthy Living we also have looked at the nutritious value of carrots for us today and how they are good for our bodies. Each child brought in an old toliet paper tube to reuse as a compostable plant pot. This way the carrots can be planted in the pots straight into the ground. Then they added compost, a seed and some water. We can’t wait to see our carrots grow!

Posted on February 6, 2024 and filed under Eco Club, P4.

P4 Rugby Blitz

Children from P4 had a fantastic time at the mini rugby blitz. They developed their fundamental skills and enjoyed playing against local schools. Thank you again to Holywood RFC for organising the event and to Mr Hughes (Nathan’s Dad) for volunteering to help out and referee some of the matches.

Posted on February 6, 2024 and filed under P4, Sports.

WW2 Day in P4

The children in P4 had lots of fun celebrating VE Day. They enjoyed playing games, learning new dances, using the green screen and were lucky enough to get some food using their rationing book.

Posted on January 19, 2024 and filed under P4.

Christmas Post at HPS!

There is excitement about the posting and receiving of Christmas cards in school. Thanks to our P7 pupils who will be sorting and distributing thousands of cards to classes in the coming days. Thanks to everyone who has bought charity stamps in aid of the Cedar  Foundation.


Posted on December 13, 2023 and filed under P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7.

Time for Outdoor Learning P4 R5

P4 R5 have been working hard on their time work and enjoyed taking their learning outside to create their own clocks.

Posted on September 29, 2023 and filed under P4.

Planting Wildflowers with Newcroft Lodge

This week is Intergenerational Week. As part of it P4 Room 14 had a lovely afternoon planting wildflower seeds with a little help from our friends are Newcroft Lodge Care Home. The children and residents really enjoyed working together scattering the seeds and watering the soil. We finished with some juice and biscuits in the dining hall. The wildflower bank is part of our HPS Goes Wild Project and we hope it will encourage lots of pollinators to come and make their home in our school.

Posted on April 25, 2023 and filed under Eco Club, P4.

P4 R14 trip to Lough Neagh Discovery Centre

P4 had a fantastic trip to the Lough Neagh Discovery Centre at the Oxford Island Nature Reserve. They enjoyed pond dipping, bird watching and a minibeast hunt in the woods.

Posted on April 20, 2023 and filed under Eco Club, P4.

P4 R19 and R6 trip to Lough Neagh Discovery Centre

P4 had a fantastic trip to the Discovery Centre. They enjoyed pond dipping, bird watching and a minibeast hunt in the woods.

Posted on April 19, 2023 and filed under P4.

H.P.S Goes Wild Project - Planting Apple Trees with The Conservation Volunteers

As part of our HPS Goes Wild Project we have planted five apple trees to our school grounds. Two of these are a donation from The Conservation Volunteers and the remaining three were purchased with the Pollinator’s Grant we received from Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. These trees are a mix of cooking apples and eating apples. They will encourage local pollinators to come and make their home in our school grounds. P4 Room 6 assisted The Conservation Volunteers in planting them last Monday. They had a really good time and learned more about the role of trees in reducing our carbon footprint.

Posted on March 20, 2023 and filed under P4.

P4 WW2 Day

P4 have been learning about life on the homefront in their WW2 topic. They marked the end of the topic with a WW2 Day. This involved VE Day celebrations including a street party in the assembly hall, skipping games and old WW2 songs. Each child came to school dressed as an evacuee and received some sweet rations to enjoy! If you look carefully at the old black and white photos you might see some familar faces!

Posted on January 23, 2023 and filed under P4.

P4 Sentinus STEM workshop

P4 enjoyed a visit from Beatriz from Sentinus this week. It was great fun working together to make cars and spinning tops and getting to test these out.

Posted on November 11, 2022 and filed under P4.