House and Sports Captains 2022

CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes to our recently appointed House and Sports Captains.They have been given these important roles because of their leadership qualities, organisational skills and respect from their peers. These pupils also show sporting ability and commitment to sport as well as their support of younger pupils in the school.

Enjoy reading about each of the boys and girls by clicking here

Posted on March 24, 2022 and filed under Sports, Success.

Online Safety

The use of social media is constantly developing and growing, we have all enjoyed staying connected during the pandemic through apps such as Whatsapp and even had a laugh with apps such as TikTok. Yet while social media is an amazing tool and capable of much good, it can also be an extremely dangerous and harmful weapon. How you use it can cause untold hurt and distress, especially if not used correctly. With this in mind we have uploaded several informative posters from which will give you some important information regarding your child’s use of social media and some areas for discussion. Please check them out.


Have a read to get some tips on using Whatsapp safely.


Check out this important information to ensure you are using TikTok safely.

Posted on March 23, 2022 and filed under ICT.

The Lyric Comes to HPS!

On Monday performers from the Lyric Theatre in Belfast came to Holywood Primary school to perform for the P5 year group. They performed A Walk is Not Just A Walk by Jess Williams and Michael Beigel. The play follows five friends on an adventure through their local park exploring themes of littering, plastic pollution and global warming! It was a helpful reminder of how our actions can have global implications which is part of Global Perspectives Eco Topic.

Posted on March 4, 2022 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

P5 Room 5 Playground Winners!

We had a lovely morning at Edge Coffee as a reward for winning the playground tokens. We walked down in the sunshine and had a yummy hot chocolate with marshmallows. Thank you Edge Coffee for having us!

Posted on March 4, 2022 .

Dress to Express in HPS

After taking part in various activities to promote positive mental health, Dress to Express was the perfect way to end Children’s Mental Health Week. It was lovely to see the children wearing so much colour to express themselves and raise money for Place2Be. Well done HPS! Enjoy looking at more photos here

Posted on February 13, 2022 .

P4 WW2 Day

Last Friday our P4’s came to school dressed as evacuees for WW2 Day. They carried their gas mask boxes around all day just as they would have done during the war. They enjoyed skipping and old games and songs that were popular at the time. They used their ration coupons from their ration books to enjoy a few treats as part of our VE Day celebration. Our special thanks to Gillian Spence (Mrs McKeown’s granny) who was unable to come into school in person but recorded a special video about her experience growing up near London during the war. Here are a few photos of the day, they may be black and white but if you look closely you might just see some familar faces.

Posted on January 20, 2022 .