We are delighted to be able to share our Festival of Carols & readings with you.

Parents will have received an email with a link to the recording.

Thank you to the boys, girls and staff of HPS for putting this together, especially in these very challenging times. Well done to the readers, musicians, class and Year Group choirs. A special thanks to Miss Riddell, Mrs Hunter and Mrs Fulton for helping Mrs Crookshanks co ordinate each element of the Festival of Carols. As we celebrate Christmas, the children really do help us to remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Posted on December 20, 2021 .

House Mascot Competition

Congratulations to Sophia for her winning design in the School Mascot Competition! This is the first of many House Competitions this school year which gives pupils an opportunity to display a range of skills and talents! Sophia’s drawing was selected out of all the P5-P7 entries and will be displayed in the school alongside being used for future House Competitions. “Dexter the Wolf” has arm bands representing each of the house colours, a skateboard representing the colours of the school crest and is even sporting the new Holywood Sports Kit! Well done to all the entries in what was a very tough competition to judge! We look forward to plenty more friendly competition in our House Teams in the New Year!

Posted on December 17, 2021 and filed under House.

P3 Shared Education Drive-In Movie

P3 had a blast assembling their own cars using cardboard boxes, wrapping paper and art materials for their Drive-In Movie. They watched a Christmas film and enjoyed some popcorn while sitting in their awesome car creations in the sports hall! P3 have loved all the fun virtual calls and activities around the theme of Toys alongside Glencraig IPS in the lead up to Christmas! We can’t wait for more exciting things to come in the New Year with our friends from Glencraig IPS :)!

Posted on December 17, 2021 and filed under Shared Ed.

Sumdog- South Eastern Region Maths Contest!

Well done to everyone that has logged on and taken part in Sumdog’s South Eastern Region Maths Contest so far. Classes in Holywood Primary School are currently doing very well with P7 Room 10 in 9th place, P3 Room 6 coming in at place 22nd and P4 Room 19 coming in at 37th! There are a total of 121 classes in the contest so we are doing brilliantly! Well done everyone!

The leaderboard is continually changing so keep going boys and girls!! The contest will finish on Friday morning.

Posted on December 15, 2021 .

HPS goes pyjamas for Children In Need and NI Children’s Hospice

As usual Holywood Primary supported  BBC Children in Need. This year we had a PJ Day.


This year we also shared the proceeds of Children in Need Day with NI Children’s Hospice. We are participating in a programme called Kindness Counts Week which NI Hospice are promoting.


A special mention to Molly (P7) who took time at the weekend to raise some money for both charities by playing her clarinet at Helen’s Bay. She was supported by her sister Eva (P4) and friend Erin (P7)

Well done and thankyou!


Posted on November 18, 2021 .