HPS P4 - P7 After School Clubs are underway!

Over 290 boys and girls have signed up to be part of our extensive After School Clubs. There are 13 clubs for the children to choose from. Many thanks to all members of staff involved in leading these clubs.




Boys’ & Girls’ Hockey Camera Science


ICT Netball Football Scripture Union P4 Choir


Art Rugby ECO Multiskills

Posted on September 19, 2018 .

P3 Superhero Assembly!

Check out some of the photos from todays awesome assembly where Mrs Gibson’s P3 class spoke to P1-P3 all about their topic of Superheroes! :)

Posted on September 19, 2018 .

Shared Education Day for P3!

All the P3 boys and girls in Holywood Primary travelled today to the Queens Leisure Complex in Holywood to meet for the first time with all the P3 pupils at Glencraig Integrated Primary for what promised to be a fun filled day! Both schools were excited and enthusiastic about their first meeting as part of their Shared Education Partnership.

The P3 pupils experienced lots of icebreaker games to get to know each other followed by lots of activities to keep both the pupils, staff and parent helpers entertained. The pupils from both schools worked together in groups to complete arts and craft activities and parachute games before all coming together to do lots of dancing during our energetic Zumba class! Mr Atcheson stole the show with his own rendition of the Cha Cha Slide!

All the pupils finished by singing a lovely song all about friendship before waving goodbye! All the P3 pupils I’m sure will be looking forward to meeting up with their new friends from Glencraig Integrated Primary School very soon! :)

Posted on September 17, 2018 .

If it's happening at HPS, it's happening on Twitter

Whenever something is happening at Holywood Primary, we tweet it. That way, you'll instantly know about and you won't have to visit the website to find to be reminded of events and special occasions. With a Twitter app on your phone, you can follow Holywood Primary School wherever you are.

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If you already have a Twitter account, just search for HolywoodPrimary and follow us.

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Joining Twitter is easy. All you need to do is use the app or go to twitter.com, choose a name (it can be almost anything) add your name, email address and choose a password. That's it! 

To receive our tweets, you shoose to follow us; click Connect and search for HolywoodPrimary and choose Follow. That's it. When we add a new article to our website, you'll receive an alert on your Twitter account. 

Even if you don't have a smartphone, if you have a Twitter account, you can choose to receive the alerts as text messages - and there's no charge. Find out more about texts here

Please note that our Twitter account is used to send messages from school only. We won't receive your Tweets. Our Twitter account is designed for Parents, to help them keep them up-to-date with news and events.

Posted on September 6, 2018 .

P3- P7 Sports Day action

The sun shone for our P3&P4 and our P5-P7  SPORTS DAYS this year!

A jam packed Sports Day at Sullivan Playing Fields saw the children taking part in individual finals and team events. They used a range of athletic skills to earn points for their Houses and win medals. This year the fabulous Tug of War competition was one of the highlights. 

The overall winners of House Sports Day were Blue( Ballymenoch)  House!


Our P3 & P4 boys and girls had a lovely morning at their annual Sports Day. Running, relay races, a sack race , egg and spoon and obstacle races were thoroughly enjoyed by the children and the many spectators. It was lovely to see the children leave very proud of their vast collection of competitor stickers on their t-shirts!

WELL DONE TO EVERYONE INVOLVED! Enjoy looking at some more photos in the gallery section of the website in the coming days. 

Posted on June 22, 2018 and filed under Sports.

Such a special Summer Serenade

A wonderful afternoon of musical talent was on display! Every child in the school had the opportunity to perform in front of a packed audience. A number of boys and girls from P5 - P7 played flutes, trumpets, clarinets, violins, and a guitar. Each Year Group gave a wonderful rendition of music. Our P4 choir relished the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. P1 were so enthusiastic when they introduced and sang 'You’ve got a Friend in Me' ( but scary when the Baby Sharks came along!). P3 sang 'Count on me' with a lovely back drop of photos showing great memories from their year together. P2 Pirates and P5 Egyptians were spotted on the stage too! P7 did their very own HPS version of  'Just Can't Wait for Year Eight'. The audience thoroughly enjoyed when the P6 children and the P5-P7 choir sang songs from 'The Greatest Showman'. 

The P4 pupils gave a memorable rendition of A Thousand Years. There were a few tears from staff and in the audience!

Thank you to all the children and staff who put together such a varied programme of music for everyone to enjoy and remember for a very long time.


Posted on June 21, 2018 .

HPS Sunny Summer Fair 2018


We are so grateful to all the staff, parent volunteers and past pupils who helped to set up the Fair, helped at the stalls, cooked at the BBQ, counted money and helped to tidy up after the Fair. It was great to see the children having such fun and also lovely to see some new families and people from the local community join us too. Thanks also to a number of new faces on the PTA team of helpers along with the familiar HPS faces too!To top it off, the weather was fabulous which was perfect for the traditional soaking from the firemen! The chanting from the boys and girls 'Soak us more' could be heard far and wide! A special mention to Kellie Shimmin who co-ordinated the event & our PTA Treasurer Chris Fleming along with a number of mums and dads who have been working in the background to make the event such a success. It ensured everything ran smoothly and hopefully allowed parents to relax whilst the boys and girls had great fun, which is what it is all about. We don't have a provisional total yet for the Fair & Ballot put will let you know as soon as we hear. We hope you like the pictures below!
Before the end of term we will let you know how money raised by the PTA this year has and will be used to benefit the children and school. Once again, 10 out of 10 for the infamous HPS Summer Fair!

Posted on June 8, 2018 .

Supreme Sports Football Tournament

On Thursday Holywood headed to the Bangor Fuel Arena to take part for the 1st time in the Supreme Sports Football Tournament in which 16 teams were competing from across the Bangor, Holywood and Ards areas.

Semi Final vs Ballyholme P.S

Before the tournament commenced Holywood had an important Semi Final for the League Trophy to contest against tough competition Ballyholme P.S. Holywood were going into the fixture on a comprehensive unbeaten run in the league and were in high hopes after previously edging a 2-0 win against Ballyholme in the Semi Final of the Priory Cup. The game kicked off with Ballyholme taking control in the early stages and their pressure paid off with a well taken goal. Holywood unfortunately had not started well and were left flat footed when Ballyholme took a 2-0 lead shortly after the kick off. Holywood regrouped at half time and moved the ball well creating chances that were marginally short of pulling one back. With all the offensive pressure that Holywood were applying it left them vulnerable at the back and Ballyholme were able to counter to make it 3-0. The boys kept their heads up and battled hard in the second half and made a late rally at the end of the game. They managed to get on the scoreboard with a great strike and had Ballyholme penned into their own half but with a sluggish start in the first half they unfortunately left themselves with a mountain to climb. Ballyholme went on to win 3-1 but had to work hard for the result. Holywood did themselves proud and showed great sportsmanship cheering Ballyholme after the final whistle. Holywood had a great league campaign and played some wonderful football that has been a joy to watch! Well done to all the boys involved! 

Supreme Sports Tournament

Holywood were drawn into a tough group alongside Bangor Central Integrated P.S, Towerview P.S and Sullivan Prep. 

Bangor Central I.P.S 1 - 0 Holywood P.S

A very hard fought match that was end to end. Both teams had some great chances and Bangor Central I.P.S made the most of a wayward pass to score the only goal of the game. 

Towerview P.S 0 - 0 Holywood P.S

Towerview had a very strong side with some good individuals but Holywood matched them all over the park. Towerview had a majority of the possession but Holywood had the more clear cut opportunities to take the lead. Holywood showed great enthusiasm and teamwork throughout the game and thanks to some heroic defending earned a deserved 0-0 draw. 

Sullivan Prep 1 - 2 Holywood P.S

A local derby at stake and both teams were ready to go! Holywood dominated the game from the first whistle but Sullivan defended well and managed to keep the game tight going into the half. Holywood were now playing with more freedom and began to express themselves on the pitch. Two super long range strikes from both Ollie and Ben gave Holywood a comfortable lead going into the final few minutes. Sullivan managed to grab a late consolation to end what was a fantastic game to watch 2-1.

Unfortunately with a change of set up in the tournament the top teams in each of the four groups were the only teams to advance to the knock out stages. Holywood managed to finish second in their group against tough opposition and just missed out on progressing to the next round. Although the results weren't what Holywood were hoping for it was still a fantastic day overall and the boys loved the opportunity to play football in the sun with their friends.

A massive thank you to all the boys involved this year for their hard work and dedication. They played some wonderful football all season and were unlucky not to lift a trophy this year!

A big thank you again to all the parent helpers for supplying lifts to and from the venue and for all their continual support throughout the year. I know all the boys and myself greatly appreciated it!

SQUAD: Hamish, Danny, Zach W, Matthew, Ollie, Zak D, Charlie, Darcy and Ben.


Posted on May 28, 2018 .

Primary School Musician of the Year Finalist

Huge congratulations to P6 pupil Smokey who was a finalist in the Primary School Musician of the Year competition.

Smokey enjoys music. For this competition he  has been conscientiously rehearsing his clarinet. This is the first time Smokey has entered the competition. He was delighted to do so well in the heat before progressing to the Final. Well done Smokey! HPS is VERY proud of you!

Posted on May 23, 2018 .