Shared Education Day for P3!

All the P3 boys and girls in Holywood Primary travelled today to the Queens Leisure Complex in Holywood to meet for the first time with all the P3 pupils at Glencraig Integrated Primary for what promised to be a fun filled day! Both schools were excited and enthusiastic about their first meeting as part of their Shared Education Partnership.

The P3 pupils experienced lots of icebreaker games to get to know each other followed by lots of activities to keep both the pupils, staff and parent helpers entertained. The pupils from both schools worked together in groups to complete arts and craft activities and parachute games before all coming together to do lots of dancing during our energetic Zumba class! Mr Atcheson stole the show with his own rendition of the Cha Cha Slide!

All the pupils finished by singing a lovely song all about friendship before waving goodbye! All the P3 pupils Iā€™m sure will be looking forward to meeting up with their new friends from Glencraig Integrated Primary School very soon! :)

Posted on September 17, 2018 .