Wish List Winners WEEK 13 + WEEK 14

Week 13 - P7 Room 9 were pleased that it was their turn to win the £75 in the P4-P7 wish list draw. Mrs Clarke has planned to go shopping over Easter to buy the different games the boys and girls asked for. They wanted activities they could play when they are inside at break and lunchtime on a wet day.

WELL DONE ROOM 4! You can tell by the big smiles that P2 Room 4 were delighted that they had won!Well done to Miss Dobbin's class. Miss Dobbin has already been shopping for some new games for the boys and girls to play with. They are also hoping to buy some new equipment for the House Area.


Posted on March 18, 2016 .

Wish List Winner WEEK 11 + WEEK 12

5 Room 13 thought a lot about what they would like for their class.They hope to buy some novels for their library. Also board games e.g. Chess, Game of Life. They’d really like some fun activities for wet break and lunchtimes when they are inside. If possible a few new apps for the Ipads and if there is any money left over they will buy some new colouring pencils, felt tips and glue sticks!


This morning there were big cheers from P2 Room 8. They were delighted that their class had won the Wish List money. Mrs McGonigle is looking forward to shopping for some new table top games and some wet playtime activities for the boys and girls. Thank you to the PTA from P2 Room 8!

Posted on March 14, 2016 .

Wish List Winners WEEK 10

At last....Miss Riddell's class have won! They have been eagerly (impatiently!) waiting to see if their class number would be pulled out of the box!As you can see they were delighted with what they have bought. They worked out how best to spend their £75. The class agreed together what they would like to buy. They bought a range of games, art pastels and books.

Posted on February 29, 2016 .

Wish List Winners WEEK 8 + WEEK 9

Mrs Brown's P5 class were delighted to hear their class called out in Assembly as Winners of Week 8.Mrs Brown has already ordered some board games and activities online that the boys and girls picked. They want to play the games at wet break and lunchtimes!

Posted on February 3, 2016 .