Wish List Winners WEEK 6 + WEEK 7

Congratulations to Room 15, Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney's P4 class, who are our winners this week.Well done P4. We hope you enjoy going shopping for your new games. What a great start to 2016!

Thank you to the PTA from P1 Room 2, Mrs Elliott's class. They are very pleased to have won this week.They hope to buy some water play toys, some table top games, jigsaws and art materials.

Posted on January 19, 2016 .

Term 2 Curriculum Notes

Curriculum Notes

As HPS is an ECO school, we take every opportunity to reduce the duplication of paper.

TERM 2 CURRICULUM NOTES have been uploaded online this term. We hope you will find these useful and enjoy reading the key areas and topic work that each Year Group will be completing this term. Please click here to view them.

Posted on January 12, 2016 .

Be bright be seen!

P1 – P3 boys and girls and members of staff welcomed Tom O' Dowd from Sustrans UK to school to present the  ‘Be Bright’ Assembly .

The children really enjoyed the interactive session and appreciated the importance of wearing bright clothes and keeping safe when out and about in the winter months. Thanks Tom!

Our P1 pupils also received hi -viz vests kindly donated by Sustrans UK and Travelwise. 

Posted on January 6, 2016 .

Carol Service 2015


Thank you to the many guests, families and friends of HPS who supported our children at the annual Carol Service. Everyone was treated to a very special evening. This included P4-P7 singers, readers, choir members, P7 instrumentalists, brass group and the orchestra retelling the Christmas Story. The music filled the church and helped create a wonderful atmosphere and meaningful service. The retiring collection from the Carol Service and the P1- P3 Christmas Mornings raised an amazing £1360.17 for Children’s Hospice. 

Posted on December 17, 2015 .

P1, P2 & P3 Christmas Nativity 2015


Proud friends and families of our P1, P2 and P3 children gathered in a packed Assembly Hall where they were treated to a delightful Christmas Play ‘Prickly Hay’. The children sang, danced, played instruments and acted so well and really did give their appreciative audiences performances to remember for a very long time!  

Posted on December 17, 2015 .

Christmas Jumper Day 2015

Thanks everyone for entering into the Christmas Spirit of things for our Christmas Jumper Day.

Lots of the boys and girls also chose to wear Christmas hats..... Santa hats, Christmas Trees, antlers etc.

The lovely bright colourful jumpers really marked the countdown to Christmas! There were even a number that played music and others with flashing lights on them!  

We hope you enjoy a looking at Mrs Maher's class creation here !

Enjoy looking at some pictures below taken by two of our P7 girls Poppy & Angharad. 

Posted on December 15, 2015 .

Look what's going on at HPS in December

Each month we have a display in our foyer showing recent or forthcoming events and activities. A number of parents, visitors, staff and children have commented how much they enjoy looking at it. We thought you might like to see it too! Please click here to see it.




Posted on December 1, 2015 .

Wish List Winners WEEK 3 + WEEK 4

Well done to our PTA Wish List winners for WEEK 3 & WEEK 4


They would like to buy some board games, Lego, toy cars, trains, aeroplanes and new felt tips for their class.A BIG THANKYOU from P3 Room 6!




They would like to put the money towards buying some class novels and some board games.
They are really pleased to have won!

Posted on November 26, 2015 .

HPS at Holywood Music Festival (November)

HPS always likes to support events in the community. This year over 60 pupils will be participating at the Festival. Both P7 classes and brass ensemble are preparing well for their performances. 

Please click below to watch some of the P7 rehearsals

P7 Room 9 Mrs Clarke's class

P7 Room 10 Miss Riddell's class

WELL DONE to everyone and thanks to Miss Riddell, Mrs Clarke and the music tutors for their support of the children.




Holywood Music Festival Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded  here.

Posted on November 17, 2015 .

Children in Need at HPS ....LET'S GO PYJAMAS!

What a day! The boys, girls and members of staff had a great day in school! Everyone entered into the spirit of things! During the day each class enjoyed doing practical maths activities, investigations and board games. P4 & P5 were spotted walking about in Holywood in their PJS too. (They were really on their way to swimming!) More photographs on our gallery .

Thank you to eveyone for their generosity. £500 was raised for Children in Need.


Posted on November 13, 2015 .

'Wish List' Draws WEEK 1 + 2 WINNERS

Congratulations to Miss McKeown's P3 class who are the first P1 - P3 winners. Well done P3! We hope your £75 will help towards getting a role play corner for Room 5.


 Mrs Stewart's P4 Room 16 were the winners of the first P4- P7 Wish List prize. They are looking forward to spending it on some new board games and K'Nex for their class.

Posted on November 12, 2015 .

Book Fair (10-16 November)

The ever popular Book Fair is on from Tuesday 10th November. Please feel free to call in to browse the large selection of books on display. Any books that sell out may be ordered and will be delivered within three days of the Fair closing.

Our school benefits from all sales. Funds generated are used to enhance the School and class libraries.

Parents may view books at the following times:

Tuesday 10th - Monday 16th 1.00pm - 3.30pm





Posted on November 11, 2015 .

Garden areas get a makeover!

A programme of activities for the year ahead has begun. Thanks to Mr Topping (Bryn & Jay’s dad) who in conjunction with the ‘NI Year of Food 2016’ has arranged for The Hastings Group to support HPS. A number of activities have been arranged to involve our boys and girls during the year. Our new planters have just been delivered. Our garden area in the P4 –P7 playground has also being spruced up.                                      Mrs Wallace and her ECO Team would really appreciate any parent volunteers who periodically would be willing to help maitain our school gardens.

Posted on November 4, 2015 .

Christmas Cards 2015

Your child will be designing their own Christmas cards again this year and will be bringing home their personal design this week.

Your child's original design can be professionally printed and sold in packs of 10 cards for £6.00. The design can also be ordered as Christmas wrapping paper and gift tags. Full ordering instructions can be found on the back of the card.

All profits go to PTA funds. If you wish to purchase these exclusive cards please ensure your order is returned by 3pm on Wednesday 11th November. Please make cheques payable to Holywood Primary School PTA.

Posted on October 30, 2015 .

PTA Funds - more Ipads!


Thanks to our fabulous PTA, Mrs Crookshanks was presented with a cheque from PTA funds. This money has been used to order another 25 IPads.

The PTA has now bought 50 IPads for the school in recent months. Added to the 27 bought by the school at the beginning ot term, each class will have 4 or 5 to use on a daily basis.

Posted on October 30, 2015 .

Welcome Back

 We hope everyone had a lovely holiday over Half Term.

HPS re opens on Monday 2nd November. After School Clubs recommence too.




Posted on October 30, 2015 .