HPS Policies


We regularly review and update school policies. Many policies are distributed to new HPS families. We would particularly draw your attention to our newly created Social Media Policy which can be found in the Parent Section of the school website. 

Posted on October 19, 2015 .

Harvest Assembly

The Assembly Hall was packed with children and staff for our Harvest Assembly.

Enjoy watching some clips from the morning here.

Posted on October 12, 2015 .



This year we would like to help Blythswood Care which transports gifts to European countries.

Our two areas for PDMU in school for September and October are ‘respect’ and ‘sharing’. We also talk about healthy eating and keeping ourselves healthy.

We would ask that all the children help to share ‘our wealth’ by bringing in either a toothbrush and toothpaste or a face cloth and a bar of soap. These will be packed and sent to children who have very little to call their own.   

      Please send in your items by

   Thursday 8th October. Thank you.


Posted on October 1, 2015 .

New iPads in use.

We are delighted with our new ipads. Many boys and girls have been using the ipads in class to enhance their learning.

Enjoy looking on our class pages throughout the year where we will be showcasing creative work completed by the children with just a little help from their teachers and classroom assistants.

Click here to see an example from Mrs Elliott's Primary 1 class.



Posted on September 30, 2015 .

Child Flu Immunisation Programme

We are very pleased that two of our pupils, brother and sister Phillipa & Luke Wilson (centre), were recently involved in the launch for the NI Child Flu Immunisation Programme 2015.

They were pictured outside Stormont buildings. All NI Primary School children will be offered this vaccination in the coming weeks. 

For more information please click here.

Posted on September 23, 2015 .

Term 1 at HPS well underway

It's hard to believe that we have already completed three weeks of Term 1. The boys, girls, teachers and classroom assistants are well settled into the routines of school life. We hope you enjoy looking at some photos of our P1, P2 and P3 boys and girls who are busy bees!


Posted on September 18, 2015 .

P4 & P5 Swimming begins

What a great morning. Our P4 and P5 boys and girls have begun their first term of swimming. The P4 classes came back to school very proud of themselves as they had managed so well on their very first class visit to the swimming pool and only managed to misplace 1 sock in the process!! 

Posted on September 18, 2015 .

P3s participate in European Week of Sport

Our P3 classes joined with a team from Active communities to celebrate European Week of Sport. There was much fun when each P3 class worked together to enjoy participating in Multiskills activities.

Enjoy seeing them in action below!


Posted on September 10, 2015 .

Full Attendance 2014-2015

Congratualtions to 50 boys and girls who achieved full attendance this year. What a great achievement!

Well done to......

P1 Anna, Lily, Tamara, Reid, Carter and Matthew

P2 Ruby, Megan, Lewis, Adam, Carter & Joshua

P3 Elsa, Charlotte, Sophie, Erin, Erin, Smokey, Bryn, Jamie, Isaac, Oliver, Mitchel, Keelin, George & Nathaniel

P4 Molly, Hannah & Georgie

P5 Kriti, Curtis, Ruan, Will, Andrew, Yu, Jamie, Jack

P6 Angharad, Poppy, Erin, Jonathan, Patrick & Greg

P7 Haley, Rachel, Izzy, Danielle, Matthew, Luke & Jason

Posted on June 29, 2015 .

****WOW**** What a Final P7 Assembly by the Classes of 2015

Parents of our P7 pupils joined us at the Final Assembly for their children at Holywood Primary School. This special event gave the boys and girls the opportunity to share memories of their time at Primary School. Everyone was treated to a great rendition of music, dance, poetry, movie clips and favourite memories HPS. This was one of the highlights of the year for all pupils and staff and was ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! After the presentation of each child’s Record of Achievement, the P7 pupils and parents stayed for a BBQ. This allowed families to enjoy a special time together before the boys and girls left us. Thanks P7 for the memories! Have a lovely summer!


Posted on June 25, 2015 .

Responses to 2015 Questionnaire

Thank you to parents who took time to respond to our annual questionnaire. Comments made on the parent and pupil questionnaires will be used to assist in the compilation of our School Development Plan for 2015-2016. Parent Questionnaire results can be viewed here.

Posted on June 23, 2015 .

Summer Serenade 2015

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who participated in the Summer Serenade.

It was wonderful to see so many of our instrumentalists from P5 - P7,  P6 Room 10, the Choir and Orchestra being showcased.

Thanks to the music tutors, Mrs Wallace, Mrs Hunter and Miss Riddell for all their hard work throughout the year supporting the boys and girls.

Enjoy looking at some pictures of those who performed at the Serenade below plus click here to view a film clip of one of the pieces too.

Posted on June 18, 2015 .


The sun shone and we had a great morning of cycling in the school playground. Thanks to everyone who took part. Enjoy looking at some of our photographs below.

Mrs Brown also took a video clip of the boys and girls in action! Click here to see it!


Posted on June 16, 2015 .

Boys & girls receive a new rugby kit

Thanks to SIMON BRIEN RESIDENTIAL, HOLYWOOD who kindly sponsored our new rugby kit.

The boys, girls and Mrs Hart (PE co-ordinator) were delighted that Associate Partner Mr David Menary arranged with our PTA for the kits to be ordered.

We can't wait for next season! A BIG THANK YOU to SIMON BRIEN RESIDENTIAL HOLYWOOD for making this possible.

Posted on June 10, 2015 .

PTA Annual Summer Fair Soaking!

Thanks to Holywood NI Fire Service who once again came along to our Summer Fair.
They delighted the boys, girls (and some adults!) when they soaked everyone in sight! The screams and laughter were heard far and wide! What a great way to end a super night of fun for all the family!


Enjoy looking at many photos in our Gallery section. Please click here to see some action shots from the Super Soaking Session!

Posted on June 10, 2015 .

Ipads in use!

We are beginning to use our new Ipads. Enjoy looking at one of our first videos.

It is of our School Choir who are rehearsing for the Summer Serenade later this month. 

Please click here to view it.



Posted on June 3, 2015 .

P3 Bike It Day 2015 Hilarious Helmet

P3 had a great time on their bikes and scooters on Bike It Day.

Our P1 & P2 classes are also taking part in the coming days. Look back soon for some more photos.

Thanks to mus, dads and grandparents who helped the boys and girls design some FANTASTIC HLIARIOUS HELMETS! 

Posted on May 13, 2015 .

HPS Maypole Dancers 2015

We hope you will be able to attend the May Day events in Holywood and also had the opportunity to see some of our P7 girls performing.

Best wishes to Leah B, Jodie, Corin,Rachel,Evie,Erin,Katelynn,Izzy and Leah N.

Our P7 girls will be dancing alongside pupils from other local schools. Thanks also to Patrick  who teaches and prepares the children so well for the May Day performances. It is really appreciated.




Posted on April 27, 2015 .