Parent Questionnaire - Anonymous Responses by Monday 18th May

We are open to the views and opinions of the community that we serve and so we invite you to complete our Parent Questionnaire 2014/15

Each year we issue a Parent Questionnaire during the summer term to gather your views and opinions. Your responses are invaluable to us and will help shape the future of our school. We thank you for your time. We estimate that it will only take between 5-10 minutes to complete online.

Your responses are treated in confidence and are completely anonymous. At the end of the questionnaire there is an opportunity to provide your name if you would like us to follow up on your comments.

Please complete the questionnaire by Monday 18th May. It must be completed in one session and before you can begin, you will need the password that was sent home with your child (why?). Click here to login and complete the questionnaire. For more information see our frequently asked questions page.

Posted on April 23, 2015 .

Aladdin Trouble DVDs now available

We are pleased to announce that our production of Aladdin Trouble is now available to purchase on DVD, priced at just £6.
This one-off keepsake will only be available for a limited period so if you would like to order one, please ensure your order arrives in school by Wednesday 22 April. Order forms can be downloaded and printed, or are available from the school office until the closing date. The trailer is available here.
Posted on April 13, 2015 .

PTA Easter Raffle Results

Thankyou to everyone who participated in our Easter Raffles! We will update you soon with the amount that was raised for PTA funds.

We are delighted to announce the winners!

P1 - P3 Basket

The Easter Basket for P1- P3 was won by Kaleb Jackson (P1).

In second place was Isla Bond (P1).

P4 - P7 Basket

The P4-P7 basket was won by Louise McKibben (P6). 

In second place was Matthew Evans.(P7)

Adult Raffle

The Adult Raffle was won by the Starks family. Ruan is in Primary 3 and Bea is in Primary 1.

Posted on March 26, 2015 .

Inter School Cross Country Event

Twelve of our P6 boys and girls joined children from Glencraig IPS, Rockport and St. Patrick's PS to take part in an inter school Cross Country event hosted by Rockport School. The glorious weather added to the day and all the pupils were enthusiastic participants. The aim of the morning, as well as having the chance to do some Cross Country running, was to have fun and be part of a team with boys and girls from other schools. 

A great time was had by all. A number of our children even came away with a medal from the event. Well done to Melissa,Devon,Johnny, Luke, Ethan, Louise, Poppy and Erin .

Thanks to the parents too who helped with transport to and from the event. Enjoy looking at more photos in our Gallery of Melissa, Devon, Max, Dennis, Louise, Poppy, Molly, Abbi, Ethan, Luke Johnny and Erin.

Posted on March 18, 2015 .

Comic Relief Day 2015



Thank you to everyone who supported this great Charity Event. Children came to school in a NOTHING MATCHES outfit.  The outfits were as outrageous as ever! Colours that clashed, stripes and spots. Even funny wigs, hats, glasses and moustaches were on show with children and staff!

Over £350 was raised (and we are still counting!)

Enjoy looking at some of the photos from the day here.

Posted on March 14, 2015 .


Well done Matthew (P2) and Claire (P1) who were P1- P3 winners of our World Book Day Photography Competition.

Lots of children entered the competition. It was very hard to decide who was reading their book in the most interesting place!

Claire was reading her book in the front seat of a fire engine and Matthew was reading his book up a tree!

Our winners for P4 - P7 were Brodie (P4) and Makayla (P5). Brodie was reading his book up a chimney.(Well not exactly - in a chimney area that isn't used as a fireplace anymore at his Granny's house!).

Makayla was in the bath reading her book!



Posted on March 11, 2015 .

Aladdin Trouble rehearsals well underway

The children and staff are working extremely hard as they prepare for the School Production.

We look forward to seeing many friends of Holywood PS at the evening performances in the School Assembly Hall on Tuesday 24th (Dress Rehearsal), Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th  March at 7.30 p.m. 

Priority booking for ticket sales will be on THURSDAY 5th MARCH at 8.30 a.m.

Tickets will be £5 each.


Posted on March 3, 2015 .

World Book Day Thursday 6th March 2015


Thanks to everyone who took part in World Book Day. So many boys, girls and members of staff came into school dressed up or had props from their favourite book or characters.


Enjoy looking at some photographs from the day in our gallery section.


Photograph Competition WELL DONE  to all the boys and girls who brought in a photo of themselves reading a book in a funny or unusual place. There is a great display in the foyer. 

Guest Readers Our P1 – P3 classes have been delighted to welcome some parent and grandparent volunteers who have read stories to their class.  If you would like to be involved, please contact your child’s teacher.







Posted on February 25, 2015 .

Zumba Fun Time!

The children had a great time Zumba Dancing in school on Thursday 13th February. A special mention to Rachel the Zumba Dancer. She brought smiles to everyone’s faces and was such great fun!    

Please enjoy looking at lots more photos in our Gallery section!

Posted on February 12, 2015 .

Bike - Tastic visit Holywood!

P3 - P7 boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed a great presentation by a Belfast theatre company Footsteps.

The actors showcased the importance of having a road worthy bicycle.They spent time highlighting to everyone about the importance of being safe on the roads particularly when riding a bicycle.

Thanks to Sandra McCullagh, Education Officer for the Department of Environment, who arranged for the production team to perform at our school. 

Whilst it was a very entertaining morning, the actors also relayed some very important messages to the children. You can see lots of other photos from the day in our Gallery.




Posted on February 10, 2015 .

Healthy Breaks at HPS

Holywood Primary School has a Healthy Break Scheme which the majority of children participate in.

During February, each class has created a display board to help profile Healthy Eating.

We encourage all HPS families to promote the importance of having a healthy lifestyle.

The pictures below show some of the many children who regularly bring healthy snacks each day to school. 

Posted on February 6, 2015 .

Welcome back to Term 2 2015!

We hope everyone is well refreshed and ready for anther busy term at HPS!

Enjoy looking below at some of our snaps from our first day back..... we are working hard already!

You may have noticed that the car park renovations are progressing well too!

Posted on January 6, 2015 .

Reminder After School Clubs


** P6 & P7

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS  recommence on Monday 12 January **

P6 & P7 Clubs will finish at the end of JANUARY 

This is due to after school rehearsals for the School Production which will involve all P6 & P7 pupils and P4 & P5 pupils who are members of the Chorus. A number of boys and girls will be involved in after school sporting fixtures during Term 2. The teachers and coaches involved will inform the pupils of any forthcoming training sessions or matches

Posted on January 5, 2015 .

Music success

Well done to two of our P6 girls,Louise and Zoe. They passed their Grade 1 Clarinet exams.

They were presented with their certificates at a special end of term Assembly.



Posted on December 18, 2014 .

P4- P7 Carol Service 2014

Thank you to the many guests, families and friends of HPS who supported our children at the annual Carol Service. Everyone was treated to a very special evening during which P4- P7 singers, readers, choir members and instrumentalists retold the Christmas Story. The music filled the church and helped create a wonderful atmosphere and meaningful service. The retiring collection from the Carol Service raised money for Save The Children.  


Posted on December 15, 2014 .

P1 - P3 Nativity Plays 'Baubles'

Proud friends and families of our P1, P2 and P3 children gathered in a packed Assembly Hall where they were treated to a delightful Christmas Play ‘BAUBLES’. The children sang, danced, played instruments and acted so well and really did give all their appreciative audiences performances to remember for a very long time! Thank you to a number of P5 - P7 children who provided a musical programme prior to the Nativity. We were delighted to welcome some younger boys and girls this year from Plas Merdyn and Glendhu Nursery Schools. 

Posted on December 13, 2014 .

Christmas Jumper Day 2014

Thanks everyone for entering into the Christmas Spirit of things for our Christmas Jumper Day.

Lots of the boys and girls also chose to wear Christmas hats..... Santa hats, Christmas Trees, antlers etc.

The lovely bright colourful jumpers really marked the countdown to Christmas! There were even a number that played music and others with flashing lights on them!                  

Boys, girls and members of staff were heard singing Christmas songs in the corridors!                                                                                    

We even had a visit from the Belfast Telegraph who took pictures.

Proceeds from the retiring collection at the school Carol Service will be donated to Save The Children.

Enjoy looking at some more pictures here.


Posted on December 10, 2014 .