We supported BBC Children In Need 2014

As usual Holywood Primary supported BBC Children in Need. This year we had a Fancy Dress Day ! EVERYONE TOOK PART AND HAD GREAT FUN! THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE WHO DONATED. SO FAR £510 has been raised and there is still more money to come in.

Please enjoy looking at the fantastic photographs in the Gallery section here.


Posted on November 13, 2014 .

Belfast Giants visit HPS

Two members of the Belfast Giants Ice Hockey team visited our P5, P6 & P7 boys and girls. With the help of Gordy Cameron (Schools co-ordinator), they discussed about the importance of eating healthily and getting enough exercise. They also explained what it’s like to be a Belfast Giant, including the daily training regime of a professional athlete and the importance that nutrition plays in their lives. 

The visit was also very special for us because Mr Thornton who is the Head Coach of the Belfast Giants, is also a dad of three girls Alana, Emmy & Georgia who go to HPS! They were very pleased to be able to join the other boys and girls for the afternoon. There was also time to to take a few photographs too!

Special thanks to Mr Thornton and Gordy. They have arranged for our children to go to watch a Belfast Giants match later this season. How generous!! Look back soon for further details. 


Posted on November 11, 2014 .

Palace Barracks Fireworks Display

A group of P6 & P7 pupils and parent volunteers had a great evening at Palace Barracks. They were made to feel most welcome at the annual Fireworks Display. All wrapped up and excited the group from HPS enjoyed some delicious food while they watched the large bonfire being lit and the Fireworks Display. Many thanks to everyone involved for their hospitality. Thanks also to our parent helpers Alex's, Ethan's and Lucy's mum.

We look forward to next year!

Posted on November 8, 2014 .

Welcome Back!

We hope you had an enjoyable Half Term break and are looking forward to a busy Christmas Term!

School begins at 8.55 a.m. and will finish at normal time.

N.B. From Tuesday 4th November our P3 pupils will stay in school until 2.50 p.m. each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. 

Breakfast Club and 1,2,3 Club recommence on Monday 3rd November 2014.

After school Clubs for P4- P7 all recommence on Monday 3rd November.


Posted on November 2, 2014 .

Be Bright be seen campaign

 P1  boys and girls were very pleased to receive a special bright badge last week from local businessman Charlie. His company are supporting the national campaign to encourage children to be safe and be seen, particularly when walking to and from school during the winter months. We want the children to wear the badges on their coats or attach them to their schoolbags.

Posted on October 21, 2014 .

Theatre Company perform 'The Fisherman's Pearl'

Our P2 - P7 boys and girls enjoyed a visit from the Lempen Theatre Company who retold the tale of McManus, an old fisherman from Fisherman’s Cove. The thought provoking story was displayed through  puppetry,  storytelling and animation. Many of the children were mesmerised by the special effects.The boys and girls also participated in a question & answer session at the end of the performance to help them understand the message from the play about how we each have a responsibility to look after our world.

Posted on October 16, 2014 .

Sharing a special Harvest Assembly

The school Assembly Hall was packed with boys, girls and members of staff to welcome Mr McNeice to our Harvest Assembly. The stage area was filled with groceries that families had kindly donated.We thoroughly enjoyed our first Assembly together this year with the children from each P1-P7 class. We all had the opportunity to sing We Plough the Fields, Thankyou for Everything, It takes an Almighty Hand, and Every Blade of Grass. The choir had prepared a great piece for the school to listen to, Harvest Samba.We were also treated to some of our instrumentalists(pupils and teachers!) playing too.

Mr McNeice spoke to the boys and girls. His two assistants Ethan and Carter helped him with his talk about all the wonderful things that can be created.At the end of school, Miss Riddell, with the help of P7 boys and girls, packed all the items into Miss Riddell's car and she took them to StoreHouse. They will distribute them to many families in the North Down area. THANKYOU so much for all the donations mums, dads and grandparents.

As well as looking at the lovely photos below please click here to hear us singing a song from the Assembly!



Posted on October 9, 2014 .

Holywood welcomes The Royal Scots Borderers!

Following an invitation from the Mayor of North Down, Councillor Peter Martin, Holywood Primary School children and staff attended a Welcoming Parade for The Royal Scots Borderers. The Battalion, known as 1 Scots, have recently moved from Edinburgh to Palace Barracks as part of 38 (Irish) Brigade. Some of the boys and girls and a member of staff from our school were especially proud as they watched members of their families taking part. 

The Battalion paraded along High Street in Holywood. Many people from the community joined our school to watch and show their appreciation too. Our boys and girls enjoyed listening to the pipers as well as seeing them in their smart kilts and uniforms.Their favourite member of the parade was the very cute mascot, the Shetland pony.


Posted on October 2, 2014 .

HPS help launch Meningitis Research Foundation

Holywood Primary School were pleased to support the launch of the Meningitis Research Foundation ‘Marvin Meningitis Awareness Road Show’.

The campaign highlights the symptoms of the disease to schools in the North Down area.  The mascot ‘Marvin’ will be distributing life saving literature. Whilst giving a very important message Marvin was made to feel very welcome at HPS!

For more information on the signs and symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia please contact the Belfast office on 028 9032 1283 or visit www.meningitis.org

Posted on September 21, 2014 .

Swimming Begins

Our P4, P5 and P6 boys and girls have begun their first term of swimming. The P4 classes came back to school very proud of themselves that they had managed so well on their very first class visit to the swimming pool and only managed to misplace 3 socks in the process!!


Posted on September 21, 2014 .

Garden Areas

Thanks to members of staff, boys, girls and Tori's dad, Mr Leadbeatter, in recent years we have created some delightful garden areas in our school grounds. We would appreciate if any parent or grandparent could offer a few hours of their time to help maintain these lovely areas.

Please contact Mrs Wallace or the School Office on 028 90424272 if you would be willing to help keep our school grounds neat and tidy. No previous garden experience required!

Many thanks.

Posted on September 14, 2014 .

P6 and P7 After School Clubs

We are delighted to be able to offer an extensive programme of P6 & P7 After School Clubs this year. Clubs will begin after 2.50pm and finish at 3.50pm on each of the specified days (unless otherwise notified). Clubs include:

  • Art Club
  • Badminton & Table Tennis
  • Craft Club
  • Garden & Eco Club
  • Football
  • Boys and Girls Hockey
  • Netball
  • Orienteering
  • Photography
  • Science
  • Scripture Union

You'll find further details on the After School Clubs page. Application forms were sent home last week.

Posted on September 10, 2014 .

Tweet Tweet!


We tweet our news stories so now you can follow Holywood Primary School wherever you are.

So what's so great about Twitter?

Parents, if you already have a Twitter account you'll know how useful it is. If you don't, why not find out? Twitter is a virtual town-square where you can find out what's going on in your community and where you can get unfettered access to the latest news. You choose what you are interested in by following people or organisations. To follow us, click Connect and search for HolywoodPrimary and choose Follow. That's it. When we add a new article to our website, you'll receive an alert on your Twitter account. 

Better still, if you have one of these mobile devices, you can receive the alert on the move using the Twitter app.

Even if you don't have a smartphone, if you have a Twitter account, you can choose to receive the alerts as text messages - and there's no charge. Find out more about texts here

Joining Twitter is easy. All you need to do is go to twitter.com, type in your name, email address and choose a password. That's it! 

Please note that our Twitter account is used to send messages from school only. We won't receive your Tweets. Our Twitter account is designed for Parents, to help them keep them up-to-date with news and events.

Posted on August 29, 2014 .

Full attendance 2013-2014


Congratulations to 26 boys and girls who have achieved full attendance this year.

Well done to....

P1 Phoebe,Kieran,Noah,Carter & Roger

P2 Bryn, George & Elsa

P3 Toby, Zach & Kathryn

P4 Joshua, Curtis & Jamie

P5 Patrick, Poppy, Louise & Greg

P6 Jason, Matthew E, Matthew H, Rachel, Rebecca & Amber

P7 Faye & Robbie 

Posted on June 27, 2014 .