P7 Leavers' Assembly 2014

Parents of our P7 pupils enjoyed the Final Assembly for their children at Holywood Primary School. This special event gave the boys and girls the opportunity to share memories of their time at Primary School. Everyone was treated to a great rendition of I'll tell me ma, HPS has got talent and the favourite for many was their Lipdub!This was one of the highlights of the year for all pupils and staff. After the presentation of each child’s Record of Achievement the P7 pupils and parents enjoyed a BBQ. This allowed families to enjoy a special time together before the boys and girls left us. Thanks P7 for the memories! Have a lovely summer!

Posted on June 22, 2014 .

HPS presented with 3rd GREEN FLAG !

CONGRATULATIONS to our Garden & Eco Club who, along with staff, parents and outside agencies, have worked so hard over the last two years to improve our school grounds and heighten the awareness of environmental issues. Last Thursday, staff and pupils met ECO School assessors. After a rigorous assessment we were delighted to be informed that we are now officially an ECO SCHOOL for a further 2 years ! Thanks to Mr Leadbeatter (Tori’s dad) who has worked tirelessly supporting a number of projects this year. He is responsible for constructing our fabulous recycled greenhouse !

To top off our success we also received an Award being commended for a Best Kept Primary School.


Posted on June 20, 2014 .

Summer Serenade 2014

A wonderful afternoon of musical talent was on display! Every child in the school had the opportunity to perform in front of a packed audience. Boys and girls from P4 - P7 played flutes, trumpets, cornets, clarinets, tin whistles, violins, handbells, recorders and percussion instruments throughout the afternoon. Our P1- P4 classes gave a wonderful rendition of music. From minibeasts to WW2 songs, pirates to colours (in Spanish !) - what a treat ! Choir members from P5, P6 and P7 sang two fabulous songs. To use the titles from the two pieces, their ‘Bright Eyes’ confirmed that ‘We go together’ as a team to show the talent in HPS – we are so proud of everyone! Thank you to all the children and staff who put together such a varied programme for everyone to enjoy.  

Posted on June 19, 2014 .

HPS Sports Days 2014

The sun shone at our SPORTS DAYS this year !

A very well organised P4 - P7 Sports Day at Sullivan Playing Fields saw the children taking part in individual finals and team events. They used a range of athletic skills to earn points for their Houses and win medals. Back at school in the afternoon the fabulous Tug of War competition took place. There was even time for a staff javelin competition ! The enthusiastic and very loud support for all participants could be heard far and wide! The overall winners of House Sports Day were RED HOUSE ! Enjoy looking at more photos here.

Our P1- P3 boys and girls had a lovely morning together at their annual Sports Day. Non stop running, throwing, relay races, a Teddy Bears’ Picnic, sack, egg and spoon and obstacle races were thoroughly enjoyed by the children and the many spectators. Despite the heat it was lovely to see the children leave very proud of their vast collection of competitor stickers on their t-shirts.

Posted on June 17, 2014 .

Lost Property END OF TERM


 The children will be bringing home their belongings in the next few days. e.g. PE kits. Any unclaimed items will be placed in the Textile Bank on Friday 27th June. 

Posted on June 6, 2014 .

P7 Inter School Quiz


A group of 6  P7 boys and girls enjoyed a trip to Glencraig IPS to take part in an Inter School Quiz. Six teams were made up of pupils from each of the 5 schools. Initially the boys and girls were rather shy but that all changed when they quickly began to share their knowledge about sport, music and general knowledge to name just a few of the sections in the quiz. Congratualtions to Matthew K who was a member of the overall winning team. The boys and girls came away quite excited that they had seen people they already knew from other schools and also others they met for the first time. Many of the boys and girls discovered that they would be going to the same schools next year in Year 8! Enjoy looking at some pictures here.

Posted on June 2, 2014 .

P1 Parents' Information Evening


P1 Parents’ Information Evening  

 TUESDAY 3rd June at 7.30 p.m.

          for parents of our new Primary 1 children who will be coming to school in September 2014.

Posted on June 1, 2014 .

P1 - P4 Bling your bike Days 2014

P1 & P4    WEDNESDAY  4th   JUNE


If your child has a bike or scooter in good working order they are welcome to bring it to school for the ‘Bling your Bike’ Day (this is not compulsory).

Please encourage and help your child to add a touch of ‘bling’, colour or sparkle to their bike, scooter or even their helmet e.g. streamers, flags, ribbons, flowers, name card, tinsel, stickers …. anything goes!

Tom, our Bike It Officer will be in school to encourgae the boys and girls as they develop thier cycle skills as well as giving out prizes for the most creative ideas!

It is school policy that pupils must wear a well fitted helmet to participate in any school event involving bikes or scooters.


Any child, whose bike is not considered to be in a safe condition by Tom, the Sustrans Bike It Officer, will unfortunately not be able to take part.With your permission and under supervision we would encourage your child to cycle or bring their bike/scooter to school. 

We hope your child enjoys the day. Please ensure they have a coat to wear as they will be outside cycling in the playground during the day (weather permitting). 



Posted on June 1, 2014 .

Business in the Community Programme helping out at HPS

For a number of years HPS has had close links with members from the Business in the Community Programme. Many thanks to employees from a Belfast firm, Portview, who have been in school recently to help rejuvenate our P1 & P2 play sheds! They have been painting them bright blue and red. The boys, girls and teachers are delighted! 

Posted on May 6, 2014 .

New Zumba & Dance After School Clubs

P1- P7 boys and girls are really enjoying a new After School Club ....Zumba & Dance classes! Thanks to qualified coach Rachel Purdie, the children are learning some great routines. The loud music can be heard along with great singing and laughing from the boys and girls!

Roll on next week for the next session!

Posted on April 30, 2014 .

Skipping mania!

Mrs Crookshanks has bought more skipping ropes for every class to use at playtime. The boys and girls are really enjoying playing a variety of skipping games. Some of the staff have been spotted skipping too!

We even have French Elastics / French skipping happening as well. The children tie the ends of a long piece of elastic together to make a loop.Two children stand inside the loop so they are stretching it relatively taut around their ankles. A third person performs a series of hops and jumps, saying rhymes. When finished, the height of the elastic is sometimes raised.

Enjoy looking at some photos below.

Posted on April 10, 2014 .

Easter Service

Everyone enjoyed joining together in a packed Assembly Hall to have our Easter Service. We welcomed Mr Leach who helped us retell the Easter Story. The boys and girls sang lovely Easter songs.

P4 - P7 boys and girls sang For God so Loved the world & Crown Him with many crowns.

P1- P3 sang My God loves me.

The choir sang When I survey the wondrous cross.

The children listened well during Mr Leach's talk and a number of the children had the opportunity to help him too.

Enjoy look at some of the pictures from the morning here.

Posted on April 10, 2014 .

ZUMBA FUN for P1- P4 Charity Event

Thanks to everyone in P1- P4 who joined in and had such a good time during our Charity Event to help raise funds for MacMillan Cancer. A special thank you to Ryan for leading the morning of fun.The boys, girls and staff all joined in. We had a special visitor too! Mrs McCartney came along to support the boys and girls. It was great to see her! There are lots of photos in our Gallery section or click here!


Posted on April 5, 2014 .

HPS’s own version of Giro d’Italia !

CHARITY EVENTS  Congratulations to all the children, staff and parents who participated in a Sponsored Cycle & Walk for the MacMillan Cancer Charity.  The children wore their specially designed bright pink t-shirts on top of their sports gear as they set off on their SPONSORED WALK & CYCLE. 

We were really encouraged that members of the public come out to support us in the town centre. 

Thanks to the PSNI  for supporting and accompanying us on our routes along the Coastal path and for getting us back to school safely where we were greeted with a guard of honour by our P1 - P4 children and staff!

A great morning was had by all and all for a great cause!


Enjoy looking at LOTS of photos in our gallery section or by clicking here!


Posted on April 1, 2014 .

NIRSG Birds of Prey Display

The boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed a bird display kindly organised by the Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group (NIRSG) who are a volunteer organisation that studies, researches and monitors birds of prey and owls (raptors) across Northern Ireland. Thanks to Mrs Grills (Hannah’s mum) for helping to organise the informative workshop and providing Activity Booklets for P4 - P7.

Posted on March 28, 2014 .

Building work HPS under construction


Over the next few weeks significant construction work is taking place. With the help of Pat and his workmen we are really pleased that a new lift will be installed to allow disabled access to our upper level which the staff and pupils have wanted for a long time.

The boys and girls are intrigued by the scaffolding and engineering that is happening each day. Our P2 boys and girls are really pleased too as 'Building Sites' is a P2 Activity Based Learning Topic. This means they don't have to rely on photographs and websites to see what workmen do, they can just look outside at HPS!


Posted on March 11, 2014 .

Sensory Garden is completed!

We hope you enjoy looking at our newly created Sensory Garden which some of the boys, girls and birds have already had the opportunity to use! Enjoy viewing our gallery section for some lovely photographs.

Our ECO green house is also underway! Some of our older boys and girls will be helping to construct the greenhouse.


Please contact the school if you are able to help us.

Many thanks. 

Posted on March 8, 2014 .

World Book Day Thursday 6th March 2014


Thanks to everyone who took part in World Book Day. So many boys, girls and members of staff came into school dressed up or had props from their favourite book or characters.


Enjoy looking at some photographs from the day in our gallery section. 

The Primary 7 boys and girls had a very busy time organising a Book Sale.


Many thanks.

Eva in Primary 7 was the winner of the competition to find out who could correctly spell ......

                    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !

Posted on March 5, 2014 .

RSPB visit P4

Our two Primary 4 classes enjoyed an interesting afternoon with a representative from RSPB. They learnt lots of interesting information and asked some really important questions too. They really enjoyed going outside into the school grounds to use binoculars to spot various birds. They boys are girls are really looking forward to continuing bird watching now that we have more bird feeders along the P1 & P2 playground as well as in the designated area in our Sensory and Wildlife garden.

Posted on March 5, 2014 .