HPS Sports Days 2014

The sun shone at our SPORTS DAYS this year !

A very well organised P4 - P7 Sports Day at Sullivan Playing Fields saw the children taking part in individual finals and team events. They used a range of athletic skills to earn points for their Houses and win medals. Back at school in the afternoon the fabulous Tug of War competition took place. There was even time for a staff javelin competition ! The enthusiastic and very loud support for all participants could be heard far and wide! The overall winners of House Sports Day were RED HOUSE ! Enjoy looking at more photos here.

Our P1- P3 boys and girls had a lovely morning together at their annual Sports Day. Non stop running, throwing, relay races, a Teddy Bears’ Picnic, sack, egg and spoon and obstacle races were thoroughly enjoyed by the children and the many spectators. Despite the heat it was lovely to see the children leave very proud of their vast collection of competitor stickers on their t-shirts.

Posted on June 17, 2014 .