Posts filed under ECO SCHOOLS

Outdoor Classroom Day 2019

Thursday 7th November was National Outdoor Classroom Day! Over 690,000 children were involved in outdoor learning across the UK and Ireland! Unfortunately for us in NI it was pretty wet on the Thursday but P1-6 took their learning outside at some point that week or the week after! It was a great success! Between Autumn walks, leaf hunts, clock and fraction work and even making poppy pictures out of leaves, the pupils really enjoyed it and engaged well. P5 even put out bird feeders as part of our ECO focus on developing our school’s biodiversity! Take a look at some of the photos we took!

Posted on November 26, 2019 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

P4 Space Models

P4 have just finished their Space topic this week with a junk models homework. Waste is one of our current ECO topics and we were so impressed at how our P4s creativity reused old items and junk to form these exciting models! We had a whole range of rockets, planets, astronauts and the International Space Station. The models are currently on display in the foyer for the next few weeks. A big thank you to all the parents who gave a helping hand.

Posted on November 12, 2019 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

P6 Bryson Energy Awareness Talk

P6 pupils and staff welcomed Education Advisor Rachel Brady to HPS.

Rachel gave an informative presentation on behalf of the Schools Energy Efficiency Awareness Programme By Bryson Energy which is part of the Bryson Charitable Group.

The boys and girls enjoyed the afternoon and learnt lots about the importance of being energy efficient in our every day lives.

Posted on September 25, 2019 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.