Posts tagged #Eco Schools

Waste Free Wednesday Winners!

Well done to Room 5 and Room 19 who are joint winners of our Waste Free Wednesday Competition, the pupils of the winning classes received a packet of wildflower seeds each as their prize. Thank you to everyone from P1-7 for working hard to cut down their single use wrappers. Let’s keep working together to swap single use items for reusable containers.

Posted on May 21, 2024 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

Green Flag Success

We are thrilled to have confirmation that we have been successful in being awarded our eighth Eco-Schools Green Flag! The Eco-School’s team were very impressed with the hard work of the Eco Committee and wider school community. A big thank you to all the parents and relatives who have volunteered to help with gardening and the local community groups who have partnered with us including Men’s Shed, the Ulster Conservation Volunteers and Ards and North Down Council. Let’s keep working together for the environment.

Posted on May 21, 2024 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

New gardening equipment for HPS

Ards and North Down council parks department have kindly given HPS some new tools and gardening equipment as part of their Growing Club scheme. P4, Room 14 enjoyed meeting Ryan today, an expert gardener from the council. He came with the new equipment and helped us prepare the polytunnel for growing some fruit and vegetables this Spring. We look forward to working more with Ryan in the coming months.

Posted on March 22, 2024 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

HPS Eco Committee 2022- 2023

Each class from P4-7 have elected their Eco Committee representative. The committee will work closely with Mrs McKeown towards our Eco Schools Green Flag award and will be involved in promoting enviromental initiatives in our school. Pupils who were interested in the role in each class had an opportunity to share why they felt they would be suitable for the post before the class voted. We are really pleased to have the following pupils onboard our committee for this academic year.

P7 - Evan (R12) and Emily (R11)

P6 - Natasha (R13), Ella (R10) and Marnie (R9)

P5 - Kate (R8) and Eden (R7)

P4 - Ella (R6), Lucy (R14) and Euan (R19)

Posted on November 25, 2022 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

The Lyric Comes to HPS!

On Monday performers from the Lyric Theatre in Belfast came to Holywood Primary school to perform for the P5 year group. They performed A Walk is Not Just A Walk by Jess Williams and Michael Beigel. The play follows five friends on an adventure through their local park exploring themes of littering, plastic pollution and global warming! It was a helpful reminder of how our actions can have global implications which is part of Global Perspectives Eco Topic.

Posted on March 4, 2022 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.