P4 plant carrot seeds

P4 planted carrot seeds today. We learned about the Dig for Victory campaign in their WW2 topic and the importance of growing vegetables to help the war effort. As part of our Eco topic on Healthy Living we also have looked at the nutritious value of carrots for us today and how they are good for our bodies. Each child brought in an old toliet paper tube to reuse as a compostable plant pot. This way the carrots can be planted in the pots straight into the ground. Then they added compost, a seed and some water. We can’t wait to see our carrots grow!

Posted on February 6, 2024 and filed under Eco Club, P4.

P4 Rugby Blitz

Children from P4 had a fantastic time at the mini rugby blitz. They developed their fundamental skills and enjoyed playing against local schools. Thank you again to Holywood RFC for organising the event and to Mr Hughes (Nathan’s Dad) for volunteering to help out and referee some of the matches.

Posted on February 6, 2024 and filed under P4, Sports.

P7s step back in time to the Victorian Era

P7 have had a great day reenacting a Victorian school day. From reciting their times tables to developing their Victorian handwriting and even a visit from a very strict headmistress! Everyone looked the part and had a great time.

Posted on February 5, 2024 and filed under P7.

Busy week for our HPS Eco Committee

Our HPS Eco Committee have had a very full week this week. Yesterday they gave a presentation to both the P1-3 and P4-7 assemblies on our Eco topic of Marine Life and the actions we are taking towards this topic as a school. They launched a campaign to reduce our plastic waste and introduced Waste Free Wednesdays. We would like to minimise single use plastics and encourage each other to use re-usable containers. The Eco committee will come round on Wednesdays and give out eco tokens that classes are using mostly reusable containers. The class with the most tokens by Easter will get a special prize! Today they met with Mrs Robertson, from our Board of Governors, to update her on all the work we are doing towards our Eco topics. Mrs Robertson thanked the committee for all their hard work for our school community.

Posted on February 2, 2024 and filed under Eco Club.

WW2 Day in P4

The children in P4 had lots of fun celebrating VE Day. They enjoyed playing games, learning new dances, using the green screen and were lucky enough to get some food using their rationing book.

Posted on January 19, 2024 and filed under P4.

HPS vegetable garden

One of our current Eco topics is Healthy Living; our pupils enjoy opportunities to grow their own fruit and vegetables. Before Christmas our school Eco club planted garlic and white onion bulbs in our vegetable garden. It is very exciting to see the shoots coming through. We also have lots of herbs growing and strawberry, blueberry and rhubarb plants which are dormant in the Winter months. We are part of the Ards and North Down Council’s Growing Club scheme, they are planning to come and run some sessions with the pupils to plan what to grow in our polytunnel this Spring.

Posted on January 12, 2024 and filed under Eco Club.

P6 Young Enterprise

Well done to all P6 pupils on the successful completion of The Young Enterprise Our World project. Pupils worked together to design, advertise and present a product for a target market. Well done P6, you worked well together and your designs were fantastic!

Posted on December 21, 2023 and filed under P6.

Christmas Post at HPS!

There is excitement about the posting and receiving of Christmas cards in school. Thanks to our P7 pupils who will be sorting and distributing thousands of cards to classes in the coming days. Thanks to everyone who has bought charity stamps in aid of the Cedar  Foundation.


Posted on December 13, 2023 and filed under P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7.

P1/ P2 Room 3 have been having fun building and learning with P7 Room 9!

As part of ‘HPS are in it togther,’ Room 3 and Room 9 have been enjoying building and learning together. The children have loved spending time together and getting to know one another.

Posted on November 14, 2023 and filed under P1, P2, P7.

Iron Man Invasion in P7!

P7 have really enjoyed reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. To finish off our novel, they made some wonderful Iron Men out of recycable materials. Well done everyone!

Posted on October 20, 2023 and filed under P7.

Time for Outdoor Learning P4 R5

P4 R5 have been working hard on their time work and enjoyed taking their learning outside to create their own clocks.

Posted on September 29, 2023 and filed under P4.