P3 R5 Assembly on Sharing!
Room 2 love using the ICT Suite!
Room 2 enjoy outdoor play!
P1R3 are busy bees!
P7 R13 Assembly on Respect
P7 performed their class assembly on Wednesday. The theme for this week was Respect. P7 came up with an acrostic for respect in class and would like to share it with everyone.
P2 had a visit from Grace's dad who is a Doctor. He talked to us about germs!
When the Iron Men came to visit
P3 "Everyday Heroes" Assembly
P3 Room 4 had their class assembly about “Everyday Heroes” on Wednesday. The boys and girls acted out and spoke about the “Everyday Heroes” all around us such as doctors, police, firefighters and our parents. They also taught the rest of P1-P3 that they too can be everyday heroes by being kind, sharing and loving one another. It’s the little things we do each day that make the world a better place! :)
Check out their wonderful singing and dancing! :)
P2 are loving using the gymnastics equipment!
P4 Fruit Planets
In P4 our Space topic is well under way! We have been learning about the planets in our Solar System. Last week we compared the sizes of the planets by using different types of fruit, if the sun was the size of twelve large open umbrellas in comparison:
Mercury would be the size of a peppercorn
Venus and Earth would be cherry tomatoes
Mars would be a blueberry
Jupiter would be a watermelon
Saturn would be a grapefruit
Uranus would be an apple
Neptune would be an orange.
We also measured out how far away they are relative to each other in the playground. The four rocky planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are relatively close to the sun, whereas the big gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are much more spread out and far away from the sun.
Pic Collage P2 Room 18
P2 are learning about the hospital and we made Get Well Soon Cards using Pic Collage!
Autumn is Here
P4 have been out in our school grounds finding the first signs of Autumn to inspire them in their Autumn acrostic poems. They found lots of leaves, seeds, berries and conkers and came up with some great adjectives to describe them. They loved getting outside! Outdoor learning is one of our current ECO topics.
Having fun in P2
P2 Outdoor Play
Woody's Birthday Party in P1 Room 2
Lots of fun in P1 Room 2
P1R3's first time going to PE!
P1R3 celebrate Gerald the giraffe's 3rd birthday!
We had so much fun celebrating Gerald’s birthday! We danced, played games and ate our delicious buns! We even gave some buns to some very lucky members of staff. Mrs Crookshanks was so happy! :)