Stars of the Week 19 September

P1 MRS FULTON: Luca for being a super listener and for trying his very best in all his work.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT: Kate for being very kind and always bringing in items for the class sound table.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Alex for being so well behaved and helpful.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Juliette for excellent news and doing a lovely illustration too.

P2: MRS MCGONIGLE: Lachlan for having beautiful manners.

P2: MISS DOBBIN: Carl for always working really hard!

P3: MR ATCHESON: Evan for being a fantastic line leader during the Shared Education Day.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Millar for being so enthusiastic and great fun on the Shared Education Day.

Posted on September 19, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners 19 September


Maisie for working hard in Literacy and showing great dictionary skills. 

George for producing neat and accurate work when completing tens and units in Numeracy. 


Jude for using pastels to draw a very god planet Earth. 

Ariana for drawing super illustrations for her Planet Roll Call. 


Mia for her beautiful picture of the planet Uranus using pastels on black paper. 

Darby for great facts in his space research on Venus & Mercury.  


Naomi and Reid for lovely handwriting. 


Logan for getting changed quickly at the pool. 

Eva for working accurately in maths. 


Matthew and Erin for always working hard and giving of their best. 


Amelia for reading the class novel with fantastic expression and fluency. 

James for always being very enthusiastic and trying hard in Maths. 


Mia for producing a wonderful art piece using autumn colours.

Lewis for writing an excellent BFG Dream which was tense and dramatic! 


Mitchel and Sarah for writing interesting back stories for The Iron Man with imaginative answers to where he came from and how he was made. 


Oliver for his input into his class assembly and his performance on stage. 

Sophie for much improved vocabulary work and sentence construction. 

Posted on September 19, 2018 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week 12 SEPTEMBER

P1 MRS FULTON: Vanessa is so kind to others. She tidies up for the, opens the door and pushes in chairs for others.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT: Carson for being such a super boy at sitting and listening so well. Carson also puts his hand up before answering a question. Well done!

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Martha always tries to do her best. She is so helpful too.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Elsa tries her best in all her work.

P2: MRS MCGONIGLE: Catherine lines up perfectly and follows the class instructions so well. What a great girl.

P2: MISS DOBBIN: Erin always works really hard.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Clara produces lovely neat handwriting.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Blake for fantastic number work.

Posted on September 12, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners 5 September


Bethany for settling in to P4 and her new school really well.

Zac for making an excellent start in P4, working hard na being helpful.


Dylan for settling into Room 15 and SUPER number work skills!

Missy has been so keen to complete ALL her work. Well done Missy!


Thomas for settling in well to P4 and for having a good attitude to school.

Cally for being very polite and helpful in her classroom.


Mason & Kaleb for excellent comprehension work about the swimmer, Adam Peaty.


Carling for working quietly and conscientiously.

Ben for working hard on subtraction with exchanging.


Charlie for settling well into his new school.

Erin for producing beautifully presented work.


Dylan for wonderful reading of his new novel 'Danny Champion of the World.'

Jessica for brilliant revision of addition! Well done!


Dylan for making an excellent start to P6 and life at Holywood PS.

Adam for great multiplication revision.


Poppy for clear presentation of her working out in mathematics.

Lucy for super revision of multiplication by a 2- digit number.


Ben for being kind and considerate to others, especially to the new member of his class.

Sophie for catching up on all the work she missed at the being of term, doing so quietly and accurately. Well done!

Posted on September 5, 2018 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week 5 September

P1 MRS FULTON: Rory settling in so quickly after moving over from Scotland and making new friends in P1.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT: Isla for sitting so well on the carpet and being a super listener.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Abigail for brilliant listening and being so helpful.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Charlie for working really hard in literacy and writing independent sentences.

P2: MRS MCGONIGLE: James for excellent listening and great independent work.

P2: MISS DOBBIN: Willow for being a lovely friend!

P3: MR ATCHESON: T.J. for great listening and working really hard in class. 

P3: MRS GIBSON: Eve for being very kind and helpful.

Posted on September 5, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Diamond Blue Peter Badge for Maia

We have a very happy girl in P3 girl!  Maia recently received a DIAMOND Blue Peter Badge. This is a special edition to celebrate 60 years of the BBC Programme later this year.

Maia had to apply for the badge but before doing so she had to complete a number of different things including showing how she has inspired others and been helpful. She then put all this information on an application form. 

Maia was delighted to receive her special badge in the post! Well done Maia. That's something to treasure!

Posted on June 20, 2018 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Scout award for Robbie

Well done to Robbie(P5) who recently won a cup at his Cub Camp weekend.Robbie, along with his brother Charlie and other cubs, spent the weekend at Lorne. Robbie was very proud of the shiny silver cup he was awarded for being the best cub during the weekend. Congratulations Robbie, very well deserved! 👏🏆⛺️🌟

Posted on June 18, 2018 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week 13 June

P1 Mrs Fulton: Cara for trying really hard to be kind to others and sharing during Playtime.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Robin for settling in so well into his new class.Well done Robin for being so well behaved.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Tate for being so kind and caring.He’s a great friend to everyone!

P2 Miss Dobbin: Zach for being super at throwing the arrow during Sport Day Practice.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Ethan for writing a very creative pirate story.

P3: Mr Atcheson: Branagh for super creative writing on her story Wriggly Squiggly!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Annabelle for singing really well in Summer Serenade rehearsals.

P3: Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Logan for being great at pond dipping even with a broken arm!

Posted on June 14, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 6 June

P1  Mrs Fulton: Rene for listening reallcarefully during Sports Day Practice.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Alex for being so well behaved all year. Well done!

P1 Miss Armstrong: Harry is a super star, always kind, helpful and hardworking.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Millar for being very enthusiastic during Pirate Day.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Campbell for settling in so well to his new school. He has made new friends and has been working hard.

P3 Mr Atcheson: George for super work on multiplying by 2 & 5.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Sophia for being really helpful and kind.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Seth for trying very hard to listen and get his work done.

Posted on June 6, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners 6 June

 P4 Mr Eves

Lexi for working extremely hard throughout all of P4.

Toby for being a super friend to all his classmates ALL year.

P4 Mrs McCartney & Mrs Smith

Joshua for very good comprehension work in his reading activities.

Tori for creating a brilliant PicCollage which she worked very hard to complete.

Benjamin for settling in so well to HPS!

P4 Mrs McKeown

James for being very motivated in planning his Hotlands adventure story.


P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Curran

Alexandra and Isaac for hard work and excellent presentation.

P5 Mr McConnell

Megan for an excellent conversation piece between two characters.

Benjamin for an excellent conversation between Gus and Peck. He used all the correct punctuation

P5 Mrs Brown

Phoebe and Finn for wonderful Nefertiti crowns.

P6 Mrs Eves

Ellen for improvement in quick recall of tables and short division.

Oliver for working really hard to improve his mental arithmetic and short division.

P6 Mrs Hart

Charlie for being considerate and thoughtful to the feeling of others.

Olivia for working extremely hard during all areas of the curriculum.

P7 Mrs Clarke

Ben for working hard all year to improve his spellings.

Ella for a positive and cheerful attitude at all times.

P7 Miss McGuile

Brodie and Jake for working really hard at interpreting times tables during a Maths investigation.

Posted on June 6, 2018 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Georgia & Niamh do it again!

We were delighted to hear that two of our P7 girls were very kind, thinking of others.Georgia and Niamh decided to have their hair cut for The Princess Trust who make wigs for children suffering from hair loss. 

It was extra special because it was Georgia’s  third time donating and Niamh's second!

Well done girls, your kind gesture will make others very happy. 👏

Your new hairstyles really suit you both👍 

Posted on June 1, 2018 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week 30 May

P1 Mrs Fulton: Taylor for fantastic independent sentences and beautiful neat work.

P1 Mrs Elliott:  Cooper for super adding on 2!

P1 Miss Armstrong: Abraham for beautiful manners.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Eve for trying hard to complete her work quickly.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Ashton for concentrating on his work and trying to it all by himself.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Cally for writing a detailed description about the life cycle of a frog.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Sophia for a beautiful pastel minibeast.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Calum for making a really good minibeast hotel with blocks.

Posted on May 30, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

May Day Art Winners

Congratulations to Claire  (P7) Thomas  (P5), Lilly (P5), Clara (P2) and Skye (P1) who won prizes in the May Day Art Competition this year. The boys and girls received their prizes at the May Day Celebrations.

Posted on May 25, 2018 and filed under Competition Winners.

Stars of the Week 23 May

  P1 Mrs Fulton: A.J. for working hard on his handwriting - it is so neat now! A.J. was also great at remembering all the words for his class assembly.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Colby for super listening and knowing all of his new words. Fabulous Colby!

P1 Miss Armstrong: Oliver for trying to work more independently.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Evan fro writing a super story all by himself. 

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Aminah - Grace for great progress and effort with Literacy work.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Finn for super work building his dinosaur on Dinosaur Day.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Noah for building a SUPER dinosaur.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Hayden for being a fantastic helper at dinosaur day. Well done! 

Posted on May 23, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.