Stars of the Week 31 January

P1 Mrs Fulton: Harry for being kind and such a helpful boy especially after playtime.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Gracie for super behaviour and wonderful reading.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Shion for always trying his best and for being so caring.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Charlie for trying very hard with his reading.

P2 Miss Dobbin: James for always working very hard.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Arianna for fantastic work in her maths number booklet.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Maisie for beautiful work and lovely handwriting.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Mara for beautiful balances and jumps in P.E.

Posted on January 31, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 24 January

P1 Mrs Fulton: Logan for working hard to write his name and remember his sounds.

 P1 Mrs Elliott: Joshua for making  fantastic models at playtime.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Emma for always working so hard and for being a great friend.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Megan for fantastic writing with lots of detail!

P2 Miss Dobbin: T.J. for being very creative during gymnastics! 

P3 Mr Atcheson:  Frankie for fantastic work on his reading.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Susannah for her enthusiasm. Susannah works hard and is great fun in class.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Ariana for working really well to complete her spelling activities.

Posted on January 24, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners 24 January


Mr Eves: Eva always works hard. She recently wrote an amazing WW2 evacuee letter. Thomas has focused very well since the beginning of the new term and wrote an excellent letter, his best piece of work in P4!

Mrs McCartney & Mrs Smith: Aoife for showing great improvement in her handwriting. Charlie for always smiling and for accurate work in H T U when adding and subtracting with exchanging.

Mrs Mc Keown: Millie for always being eager to help around the classroom. Charlie has been very motivated and tried hard when completing activities involving contractions.


Miss Riddell & Mrs Curran: Ereen for making a fabulous book about Martin Luther King. Noor for being a very industrious worker. Noor always listens intently and contributes in class discussions.

Mr Mc Connell: Amber & Keziah  for making a great start to writing using a fountain pen.

Mrs Brown: Keziah & Hannah for working extremely hard on weekly spellings.


Mrs Eves: Charlotte for super work on properties of 2D shapes. Kendal for working to improve her independent work.

Mrs Hart: Ruan for always listening attentively and putting effort into all aspects of the curriculum. Erin  for being more industrious and getting through a larger volume of work.


Mrs Clarke: Emily & Hannah for imaginative contributions to their class poem.

Miss McGuile: Patrick and Kathryn for doing a super job of selecting and using the correct Mental Maths strategies to solve calculations.


Posted on January 24, 2018 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week 18 January

P1 Mrs Fulton: Scarlett for being a kind friend to everyone in P1 .What a lovely girl!

P1 Miss Armstrong: Xavier for fantastic writing about polar bears.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Alfie for making sure he includes everyone in his games. A kind friend!

P2 Miss Dobbin: Caroline for using lots of detail in her writing.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Mimi for fantastic work using Recorder Rosie!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Sam for a wonderful Jack Frost painting.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Ellie for excellent retelling of a story using Summerising Superhero.

Posted on January 18, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners 10 January

Primary 4

 Mr Eves: Madison and Jay for creating excellent evacuee letters in our WW2 topic.

Mrs McCartney & Mrs Smith: Chestha for always being cheerful and willing to help do jobs around the classroom.

Joshua for working hard and joining in all class activities.

Mrs McKeown: Toni for writing detailed full sentences in her comprehension activity.

Grace for taking time and care over her 'Dig for Victory' poster.

Primary 5

Miss Riddell & Mrs Curran

Katy for super listening skills. Katy always concentrates really well and works hard at everything she does.

Benjamin for super Mental Arithmetic. He has learnt his facts and can recall them quickly.

Mr McConnell

Carter for asking great questions and making super contributions to class discussion on his class America topic.

Lewis for working very hard on his Literacy.

Mrs Brown

James for working hard in all areas and always smiling.

Beth for hard work on digital clocks.

Primary 6

Mrs Eves

Libby and Smokey for showing good concentration and attention to detail during complex co-ordinate work.

Mrs Hart

Benjamin for improving his listening skills.

Olivia for taking greater care over her written work.

Primary 7

Mrs Clarke

Darcy for working hard to improve his mental maths.

Toby for using good thinking skills during maths investigations.

Miss McGuile

Charlotte for beautiful reading of her new novel, Under the Hawthorne tree.

Brodie for great instructional writing.





Posted on January 10, 2018 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week 10 January

P1 Mrs Fulton: Caolan for working really hard to learn all his new words each week. Well done!

 P1 Mrs Elliott: Rudy for being such a kind, polite and helpful boy.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Bethany for doing fabulous cutting and sticking all by herself.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Rachel for always trying her best and working very hard.

P2 Miss Dobbin: James for being great at spelling 3 lettered words! Ollie for doing great reading.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Macie for being a great role model when her class visited Little Wing.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Luke for having really good resolutions for 2018!

Posted on January 10, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Amazing Archie

Well done  to one of our P1 pupils Archie! Archie plays for Glentoran  FC 2013 age group. He is pictured here with a big trophy that his team won. They scored 73 goals to win a Belfast tournament. WELL DONE ARCHIE! 

Posted on December 12, 2017 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week 8 December

P1 Mrs Fulton: Chloe for fabulous neat work. Chloe always tries her very best in everything she does!

 P1 Mrs Elliott: Lachlan for excellent singing and dancing for our Nativity.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Lucie – May for being a very kind and caring friend.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Ciara for singing with lots of enthusiasm during Nativity rehearsals.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Will for drawing a great picture on the computer using Colour Magic.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Faith for working really hard on her reading.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Jamie for beautiful handwriting and presentation. He always gives 100%.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Lori for designing a lovely photo frame.



Posted on December 8, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners 6 December

P4 Mr Eves

Hugo for settling in very well to his new school.

Claire for excellent research on WW2 when in the ICT Suite.

P4 Mrs McCartney & Mrs Smith

Arianna and Matthew for valuable contributions to their class retell of 'Bundle of Sticks.'

P4 Mrs McKeown

Steven for working hard on Tens and Units activities.

Tamara for trying to answer her reading activities in complete sentences. Well done!

P5 Mrs Curran

Alexander for great listening skills and for taking car over the presentation of her work.

Kyle for trying really hard to learn his multiplication facts.

P5 Mr McConnell

Ben and Nina took every effort to make excellent woodlouse investigation boxes.

P5 Mrs Brown

Erin for an amazing effort with her reading activities.

Joshua for a good woodlouse investigation.

P6 Mrs Eves

Keelan for excellent work converting between units of measurement.

Paige for working to improve her mental arithmetic.

P6 Mrs Hart

Taylor for excellent mental maths, she has learnt her facts fantastically and can recall them quickly.

Sophie for much improved presentation of written activities. Well done!

P7 Mrs Clarke

Sophie and Ella for writing great poems. 

P7 Miss McGuile

Ella and Jasmine for working very hard during ICT lessons and producing Wonderful Northern Ireland Brochures.

Posted on December 6, 2017 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week 30 November

P1 Mrs Fulton                       Harry for trying very hard to learn his new words each week and recognise them really quickly.

P1 Mrs Elliott                       Skye for always being a super kind, helpful and hard working girl.

P1 Miss Armstrong            Liam for being brave and willing to have a try at everything.

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle            Clara for always giving 100% in everything she does.

P2 Miss Dobbin                   Vivien for being a kind, caring friend.

P3 Mr Atcheson                 Lawson for being  really settled when he comes into school each morning.

P3 Mrs Gibson                    Ashton for being a fabulous dancer in her school play.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood    Darby for being an excellent narrator in his school play

Posted on November 30, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 22 November

P1 Mrs Fulton                       Aeryn for being a great friend to Miller, who is new to her class.

P1 Mrs Elliott                       Colby for being a superstar at all his work!

P1 Miss Armstrong            James is always smiling! He is such a helpful and kind boy.

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle            Louis for concentrating on his work and completing activities more  quickly. Well done!

P2 Miss Dobbin                   Oscar for doing super taking away!

P3 Mr Atcheson                  George for working so well as the King in his Class Assembly!

P3 Mrs Gibson                    Arianna has been working really hard on her number work ! Well done, Mrs Gibson is really proud of you! 

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood    Hayden for trying really hard to focus on his activities. Well done!

Posted on November 22, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 15 November

P1 Mrs Fulton: Lucas for working really hard with his cutting skills.Well done!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Arianna for working so well in class. A super girl.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Fraser for giving 100% to everything he does!

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle: Charlotte for always taking care and presenting her work beautifully!

P2 Miss Dobbin: Sara - Lea for working really hard, keep it up!

P3 Mr Atcheson: Bronagh for reading really well in class.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Jude for working really hard on his numberwork.

P3 Mrs Heawood / Mrs Curran: Molly for being very helpful during sessions in the ICT Suite.

Posted on November 15, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners 15 November

P4 Mr Eves

Katie for excellent work while looking at adjectives.

Finlay has been working very well during group discussions about what it means to be a good friend. 

P4 Mrs McCartney & Mrs Smith

Tori & Kaleb for having good ideas of which adjectives to use in their Number Adjective Poems.

P4 Mrs McKeown

Minnie for great work on identifying adjectives.

Carter for working hard on adding and taking away with numbers up to 80. 

P5 Mrs Curran

Isaac for a super recount about the Pilgrim Fathers. Isaac’s story was full of detail and interesting facts.

Rebecca for quick and accurate recall of her number facts.WELL DONE! 

P5 Mr McConnell

Ruby & Megan for both writing an excellent first draft recount of the Pilgrim’s Journey.

P5 Mrs Brown

Robbie for super work on H T U multiplying.

Connor for a very good recount on Pilgram Fathers. 

P6 Mrs Eves

Hope & Bryn for excellent work on and presentation of long multiplication.

P6 Mrs Hart

Isaac for showing kindness and consideration to others in his class.

Sophia Rose for super effort being pit in to improve her handwriting. 

P7 Mrs Clarke

Oliver and Patrick for logical thinking during maths investigations. 

P7 Miss McGuile

Lola and Hadi for writing a lovely acrostic poem about Remembrance Day. 

Posted on November 15, 2017 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week 8 November

P1 Mrs Fulton:            Sam for an amazing presentation about flying squirrels! It was fantastic!

P1 Mrs Elliott:             Molly for always being so polite and helpful!

P1 Miss Armstrong:    Harry for being so helpful and a good friend!

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle:    Amber of being a kind and caring friend to others in the playground.

P2 Miss Dobbin:         Polly for writing great sentences about the doctor.

P3 Mr Atcheson:         Cally for being so kind and for always sharing and helping others.

P3 Mrs Gibson:            Ben for fantastic numberwork.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Heawood :    Robbie for coming up with a good question for the class  KWL board.

Posted on November 9, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 25 October 2017

P1 Mrs Fulton:            Arthur for being such a great listener!

P1 Mrs Elliott:             Carter for being very kind helping another boy in his class at playtime.

P1 Miss Armstrong:   Will for working independently.

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle:    Blake for brilliant mouse control in ICT.

P2 Miss Dobbin:          Isaac for writing a great blurb!

P3 Mr Atcheson:         Dylan for great work using Tricky Triangles in number activities.

P3 Mrs Gibson:            Jason for being a fantastic actor in his class Assembly.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood:    Evan for being a really sensible boy.

Posted on October 26, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.