PTA Mighty Marathon runners

A huge well done to both our Marathon Relay Teams who competed and completed the Belfast Marathon 2016.

The times were amazing......3 hours 33 minutes for the men and 3 hours 25 minutes for the ladies.

LADIES’ TEAM: Jayne McKeown, Deirdre Johnston, Fran McBride, Jenni Patterson & Anna Kilpatrick 

MENS' TEAM: Jamie Cooke, Barry Sheridan, Chris Fleming, Gavin Oakes & Stephen Ogborn

Posted on May 5, 2016 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week

May 4

P1 Mrs Wallace: Missy for trying hard to do lovely handwriting and remembering spaces.

P1 Mrs Elliott:  Sam for trying really hard to complete all his written work. Well done.

P1 Mrs Maher: Lori for being so caring and kind towards her friends.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Laurie for always using lovely manners.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Anna for an excellent piece of writing about the life of a frog

P2 Miss McGuile: Arianna for fantastic writing about the life cycle of a frog.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Aleyna for beautiful work in her dinosaur booklet.

P3 Miss McKeown: Oscar for working really hard on his reading and writing. Brilliant work, Oscar.

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood: Anton for good work on tens and units and using vertical addition.

Posted on May 4, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Ruzi & Heidi perform at UK Gymnastic Finals

Congratulations to Ruzi and Heidi who were finalists in in BSGA (British Schools Gymnastics Association) Competition.
Following their gold medal success in the NI Finals, Heidi and Ruzi travelled to England over the Bank Holiday weekend to represent HPS in the all UK Finals - Under 11s Floor Routine category.
It was quite a daunting occasion for the girls, walking out into a huge arena with a large crowd and up against the winners from schools representing 14 regions right across the UK. They performed fantastically well and did the school proud, finishing fifth overall; a great achievement. WELL DONE GIRLS

Posted on May 3, 2016 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week

April 27


P1 Mrs Elliott:  Kate for super writing during sensory play.

P1 Mrs Maher: Sophia for brilliant sounding out of new words when reading.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Ander for writing great sentences with capital letters and full stops.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Struan for reading really well and writing sentences independently.

P2 Miss McGuile: Eva for always being an enthusiastic helper.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Emanuele  for his fabulous reading - well done! He has worked so hard.

P3 Miss McKeown: Philippa  for being an incredible actor in her class assembly. She learned her words so quickly and spoke out so clearly too.

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood:Cameron  for giving a great talk about going on holiday with his cousin.

Posted on April 27, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners

April 22

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney

Grace for much improved sentence writing when answering questions.

Ruan for super Venn Diagram work and for creating his own Shape Venn Diagram.

Room 16 Mrs Stewart

Simrah for amazing work on Venn diagrams - well done Simrah.

Jacob for wonderful writing on penguins.

P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Louis for writing a super Egyptian story.

Niamh for her adventure story about Ancient Egypt.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

Charlie for writing a good diary entry about being trapped inside a pyramid as part of his class topic on Egypt.

Matthew for his good diary account when he got trapped inside a pyramid.

P6 Room 12 Mrs Hart

Jake for excellent concentration in class and always putting 100% effort into his work.

Jack  for making the most of his time in school.

P6 Room 11 Mrs Eves

Thomas for super fact file on volcano.

Oliver for a great contribution to class discussion on persuasive writing.

P7 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Ryan for working hard to understand adding and subtracting in fractions.

Tom for making a great start to cycling proficiency.

P7 Room 10 Miss Riddell

Jasmine for excellent work in Literacy.

Jonathan for good thinking when subtracting fractions.

Posted on April 22, 2016 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week

April 20

P1 Mrs Wallace: Jake for working hard at all reading activities.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Tilly for trying hard to complete all of her work.

P1 Mrs Maher: Mara for being brave when she fell off the climbing frame and got straight back on!

P2 Miss Dobbin: Alice Jane for being a super narrator in her class assembly.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Steven for concentrating on his owkr and making a big effort to finish activities on time.

P2 Miss McGuile: Charlie for fantastic numberwork.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Ben for working really hard on tens and units.

P3Miss McKeown:Erin  for a lovely friendly attitude to others in her class. Erin is always quick to help others in the playground too.

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood:  Keziah for working really hard to improve her reading.

Posted on April 20, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

NI Under 15 Basketball success

Congratulations to Harry (P7) who is part of  the Northern Ireland U15 wheelchair basketball team.They recently participated in the Lord's Taverners British Wheelchair Basketball Junior League Finals, held in the University of Worcester Arena. The team won the competition overall and are now the British champions! Harry and the team were presented with individual gold medals and a team perpetual trophy and a presentation crystal trophy. WELL DONE!!

NI 32: Sheffield Steelers 11

NI 34: RGK Tees Valley Titans 20

NI 24: CWSC Phoenix 19 (last year's winners).

Posted on April 17, 2016 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week

April 14

P1 Mrs Wallace: Chloe for working really hard and getting her work finished quickly.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Tabitha for singing a beautiful song to the class.

P1 Mrs Maher: Logan for always trying his best and being so helpful and caring.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Madison for writing super, detailed sentences about her class trip to the Folk Museum.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Charlie for working hard on his number facts and the ways to make 9.

P2 Miss McGuile: Krish for fantastic spelling using his sounds.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Kayla for always trying really hard. Keep up the great work.

P3Miss McKeown: Ruby is always trying her very best and joining in enthusiastically in everything.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood:  Kyle for making a big effort to focus when completing his activities.

Posted on April 14, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners

April 8

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney

Jamie for neat joined writing and for helping others.

Damaris for neat joined writing and super recall of X2 tables.

Room 16 Mrs Stewart

Ellen for being kind and helpful.

Ethan for super multiplying of Tens & Units.

P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Lucy for trying hard and learning her tables.

Ella for excellent contributions to class discussions on Ancient Egypt.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

Keira for contributing to class discussions on Egypt with lots of interesting facts.

Jack for working hard on his reading activities.

P6 Room 12 Mrs Hart

Tom for working really hard to simplify all his fraction answers.

Ryan for writing a super 'BIG WRITE' story about the appearance of the egg.

P6 Room 11 Mrs Eves

Will for an excellent story about an escape during WW2.

Stella for super use of similes in poetry.

P7 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Keira for working hard to improve her spellings.

P7 Room 10 Miss Riddell

Devon for good work in mathematics, in particular measures and decimals.

Anna for good work in mathematics, in particular measures and decimals.

Posted on April 8, 2016 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Merit Badge Winners

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney

Erin for completing all activities in class within the given time.

Libby for accurate work in T U multiplying by 2 with exchanging.

Room 16 Mrs Stewart

Emma for being a great helper in class always doing everything with a smile.

Elsa for excellent work in T U multiplying by 2 - Well done Elsa.

P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Skye for writing an excellent fairytale story.

Maddie for great work on teeth and great contributions to class discussions.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

Patrick for always asking interesting questions during topic work.

Georgia for good creative writing on the 'mysterious egg'.

P6 Room 12 Mrs Hart

Eve for always learning and putting effort into her FACT BOOK homeworks.

Frankie for writing a great 'BIG WRITE' story about the appearance of the egg.

P6 Room 11 Mrs Eves

Rory for much improved effort in all his work in class and homework.

Susi for her interest and input in all discussions and self checking her maths work.

P7 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Louise for great work on rotational symmetry.

Harry for writing a good summary of information on the planet Mercury.

P7 Room 10 Miss Riddell

Emma for an excellent report on 'The Moon'.

Megan for good thinking during maths work on millimetres.

Posted on March 11, 2016 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week

Each week we celebrate a star pupil in each P1 to P3 class. This week's stars are:

Ben for being cheerful and trying hard at all times. (P1 Mrs Wallace)

Daniel for wonderful work on o'clock. Well done. (P1 Mrs Elliott)

Dylan for trying to work independently - Mrs Maher is so pleased. (P1 Mrs Maher)

Carter for always being a super helper. (P2 Miss Dobbin)

Logan for a great improvement with his handwriting and writing sentences independently. (P2 Mrs McGonigle)

Noah for being an amazing friend to everyone in P2 Room 19. (P2 Miss McGuile)

Megan for always being so helpful and well mannered. (P3 Mrs Gibson)

Kieran for trying hard to win tokens outside and for good effort in class this week. Well done. (P3 Miss McKeown)

Thomas for helping to turn the Travel Agent area into an aeroplane! (P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood)

Posted on March 9, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Gold for Ruzi and Heidi

Ruzi and Heidi represented Holywood PS in the NI Schools Gymnastics Association Championships held in Belfast. The girls won Gold medal in the ‘Under 11’ category for their floor routine. There were over thirty schools taking part, the girls did fantastically well to take first place.

Heidi and Ruzi will now travel with their coach to England next term, to represent HPS at the all UK finals in Stoke-on-Trent.

Well done girls. That's great news. Best wishes for the UK finals.

Ruzi and Heidi

Posted on March 7, 2016 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week

Ashton - Khloe for making a great effort with her words and reading. (P1 Mrs Wallace)

Luke for being able to tell Professor Topping all about herbivores. (P1 Mrs Elliott)

Finn always has an enthusiastic attitude and a big smile on his face..... a star! (P1 Mrs Maher)

Carling for always working hard. (P2 Miss Dobbin)

Jack for always being helpful and having beautiful manners. (P2 Mrs McGonigle)

Lucas for super 'th' phonic work. Well Done. (P2 Miss McGuile)

Andrew for fabulous adjectives about 'our mystery egg'. (P3 Mrs Gibson)

Annie is really enthusiastic about everything she does in class. She also makes Miss McKeown giggle by putting on lots of funny voices. (P3 Miss McKeown)

Ella for writing a great story about meeting a bunny in our BIG WRITE. (P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood)

Posted on March 2, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners

(No photo)

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney

Tia for reading with great expression.

Ethan for a great improvement in reading.

Room 16 Mrs Stewart

Isaac for excellent work on multiplication.

Jason for fantastic work in English and Maths.

P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Rishau for settling in well to his new school.

Oliver for great work on fractions.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

Jake for making a huge improvement in his handwriting.

Emily for working hard at her mental maths.

P6 Room 12 Mrs Hart

Andrew for producing an excellent Story Board on the computer describing events from the class novel.

Cameron for reading aloud in class so well.

P6 Room 11 Mrs Eves

Caitlin for excellent digital time work.

Harris for super work and contribution to class discussions on volcanoes.

P7 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Adam for always working neatly and accurately in both Literacy and Numeracy.

Ethan for useful and informative contributions to discussions on the solar system.

P7 Room 10 Miss Riddell

Rachel for a good beginning to crochet.

Katie for a good beginning to crochet.

Posted on February 25, 2016 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.

Stars of the Week

P1 Mrs Wallace: Jake for working hard at his reading words and being a great helper.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Scarlett for being an excellent worker in everything she does.

P1 Mrs Maher: Bronagh for beautiful writing about her half term holidays.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Scott for writing lots of super words with a 'th' sound.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Mariama for knowing her number facts really well.

P2 Miss McGuile: Reuben for always being very polite. Good boy Reuben!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Joshua for a fantastic piece of writing about his half term holidays.

P3 Miss McKeown: Ben for good sportsmanship and super fast running in P.E. Ben tries his best and encourages others.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Holly for painting a beautiful aeroplane and always making Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood smile.

Posted on February 24, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Great Dancing Georgia

Georgia (P6) qualified for the Northern Ireland Irish dancing championships again this year. She competed in the Under 11 category and danced extremely well.

Georgia and two friends from St Patrick's Primary School in Holywood were placed a fantastic 4th in their three hand dance…a great achievement!

Well done Georgia, we are very proud of you. We also really like your dress Georgia.

Posted on February 11, 2016 and filed under Superstars Outside School.

Stars of the Week

P1 Mrs Wallace: Bea for trying so hard with her handwriting. Well done Bea.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Jessica for being a fantastic girl at her work this week.

P1 Mrs Maher: Mara for doing beautiful work and being so well behaved.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Daisy for being a super and enthusiastic helper.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Oskar for retelling the story of The Owl Babies in his own writing. A great story.

P2 Miss McGuile: Noah for super adding and taking away 4.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Joshua for reading lots of novels. He's a GREAT bookworm. Well done Joshua.

P3 Miss McKeown: Megan for becoming an author in P3. Megan has written three pages on 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and is still going.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Lennox for speeding up to complete his work on time.

Posted on February 10, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Merit Badge Winners

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney

Ellie for beautiful handwriting.

Jamie for super work on times tables.

Room 16 Mrs Stewart

Charlie for super work on times tables.

Aimee for wonderful data handling work.

P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Sophie for an excellent piece of persuasive writing.

Oliver for an excellent piece of persuasive writing.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

BrodieToby for an excellent idea for a persuasive letter.

Hadi for learning his dividing by 2 tables.

P6 Room 12 Mrs Hart

Makayla for fantastic work on time!

Sarah for an excellent improvement in all her work.

P6 Room 11 Mrs Eves

Curtis for excellent work on negative numbers.

Charlotte for excellent work on negative numbers.

P7 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Poppy for great work on finding common denominators and adding mixed numbers.

Lucy for great work on finding common denominators and adding mixed numbers.

P7 Room 10 Miss Riddell

Ruzi for good work on spreadsheets.

Luke for good work on adding fractions.

Posted on February 5, 2016 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.