Posts filed under Stars of the Week


P1 MRS WILSON:Rachela for doing some wonderful writing in her big jotter.

P1 MISS DOBBIN: Sophia for being a very helpful girl!

P1 / P2 MISS ARMSTRONG: Holly for working incredibly hard and always smiling.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Frankie for great improvement with his numberwork especially when adding on 1 and 2.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Juliette for great independent writing.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Jack for wonderful reading work on the history of a teddy bear.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Molly for fantastic work on question marks.

Posted on November 11, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MRS WILSON: Erica for having super manners and always being polite.

P1 MISS DOBBIN: Nathan for doing super number work!

P1 / P2 MISS ARMSTRONG: Jaxson for trying to listen carefully and follow instructions.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Sophie for writing great sentences about her Half Term news. Great sounding out Sophie!

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Charlotte for doing excellent number work to 14!

P3 MR ATCHESON: Kate for being a fantastic helper in the classroom.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Emily for excellent work on spelling.

Posted on November 4, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MRS WILSON: Olivia for her beautiful work! It is so neat and she completes it so carefully.

P1 MISS DOBBIN: Maya for beautiful handwriting.

P1 / P2 MISS ARMSTRONG: Tom for always doing his best work and listens carefully. Tom is a pleasure to teach.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Joni for working so hard at everything she does.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Cormac for doing his very best in all activities.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Isla for a wonderful report on wolves.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Indie for making a FABULOUS hedgehog!

Posted on November 3, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MRS WILSON: Kaylee for working so hard and always putting lots of effort into her work.

P1 MISS DOBBIN: Freya for being super a t writing her name!

P1 / P2 MISS ARMSTRONG: Alfie is a fantastic boy. He works so hard and does everything with a smile!

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Rosie for brilliant independent writing. Rosie is great at sounding out words all by herself.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Jake for excellent independent writing in his weekend news.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Eden for great work on Fairytale descriptions.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Megan for always being so helpful. Thank you Megan!

Posted on October 7, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MRS WILSON: Luke for being so helpful around the classroom and towards others.

P1 MISS DOBBIN: Evie for sharing lots of interesting facts.

P1 / P2 MISS ARMSTRONG: Lauren for always working so hard and producing the most beautiful work!

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Riley for being a kind and helpful friend to others.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Ciara for making a fabulous Get Well Soon card.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Kian for fantastic balancing skills in P.E.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Joe for amazing work during a money investigation up to 30p!

Posted on September 30, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MRS WILSON: Heidi for beautiful colouring and for being a super helper.

P1 MISS DOBBIN: Art for fabulous balancing during PE.

P1 / P2 MISS ARMSTRONG: Claire for beautiful writing and always doing her best.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Annie for excellent writing about her friends.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS Aria for making a fabulous ambulance.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Susanna for making a fantastic superhero splat painting.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Abigail for beautiful handwriting. Her work is ALWAYS fabulous!

Posted on September 23, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.


P1 MRS WILSON: Joseph for always listening and doing his best.

P1 MISS DOBBIN: Phoebe for being a super girl and completing all of her activities with enthusiasm.

P1 / P2 MISS ARMSTRONG: Faye for always doing her best and ensuring her work is beautiful.

P2 MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: George for having beautiful manners. Always remembering to say please and thank you.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Jude for trying really hard with all his work.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Selena for singing a beautiful song in class to remind everyone of their odd and even    numbers.

P3 MRS GIBSON: Jack for working really hard on exclamation marks and speech bubbles.

Posted on September 16, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.



Bess for being so kind and a great helper.


Jack for making a great start to Primary 1. He does super colouring in too.


Jake works so hard. He makes Miss Armstrong smile and laugh everyday.

Nico does beautiful work and is a great listener.


Sarah has done her very best in all the P2 work completed so far. Well done !


Tom for his great work when he was writing about ‘Amazing Me’.


Caleb is a great helper and kind to all his friends in Room 4.


Ava has worked so hard and has made some lovely new friends in her P3 class.

Posted on September 9, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 11 March

P1 MRS FULTON: Joni for a great start to P1. Joni tries her best and also has worked really hard to make new friends. Room 1 love getting to know her!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Skye for writing lots of super sentences all by herself!

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Daniel for working hard and trying to concentrate really well.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Eve for making a fantastic book cover for World Book Day.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Penny for being so brave and working very hard over the last few weeks even though she had a broken arm!

P3: MR ATCHESON: Ethan for fantastic place value work in class.

P3: MR FIELD: Carl for excellent creative writing.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Carter for designing a fantastic parachute.

Posted on April 1, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 4 March

P1 MRS FULTON: Ella for being such a kind friend to a new pupil in her class.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Holly for doing great work with clocks.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Jacob for amazing numberwork.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Lorne for adding on 3 to different numbers.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Jayden for doing really good money work with 1p and 2p coins.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Rene for fantastic African dancing in PE  for her class topic on travel.

P3: MR FIELD: Ethan for excellent research using an iPad.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Emmy for great work when building tinfoil boats. Emmy did an excellent design!

Posted on March 4, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 26 February

P1 MRS FULTON: George for great careful work, sounding out his own words.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Tommy for always working hard and trying her best.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Henry for beautiful writing and being so helpful.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Zayn for excellent writing about how to make pancakes!

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Adam for trying really hard with his phonics and reading.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Cooper for a fantastic effort to keep his cursive handwriting so neat!

P3: MR FIELD: Harry for excellent reading and comprehension work.

P3: MRS GIBSON: James for being a good role model to others.

Posted on February 26, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 12 February

P1 MRS FULTON: Olivia for great talking and listening. Olivia listens so carefully to others and always has interesting things to say.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Martha-Rose for super writing about things she loves!

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Theo for being so helpful and also for his beautiful writing.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Kate for fantastic sentences about things she loves.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Charley for making a lovely picture of the Marble Arch caves for her class display of Northern Ireland.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Ben for always being enthusiastic to share and take part in all activities in class.

P3: MR FIELD: Tili for always trying her best in everything she does.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Oliver for great enthusiasm during a music lesson

Posted on February 12, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 5 February

P1 MRS FULTON: Sofie for focusing so well on her throwing and catching in P.E. She gets better every week!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Ciara for being super at spelling words with three sounds!

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Eliza for being a ray of sunshine in Room 3, she’s always smiling!

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Rory for putting excellent effort into all his work and making great progress.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Phoebe for excellent work being a summarising Superhero!

P3: MR ATCHESON: Juliette for working really hard on her reading in class.

P3: MR FIELD: Ella for always being helpful and kind!

P3: MRS GIBSON: Archie for always having such enthusiasm towards his work.

Posted on February 5, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 29 January

P1 MRS FULTON: Lucy for great focus during independent work and for being a fabulous friend to others.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Alfie for always working hard and trying his best.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Rosie for amazing sounding out when reading challenging words.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Kian for lovely writing about our town.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: James for being an excellent narrator in his class Assembly.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Will for being a superstar and getting changed so quickly for P.E.

P3: MR FIELD: Chloe for working extra hard to complete  all her work recently.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Carter for working really hard in Literacy and always having a positive attitude towards his work.

Posted on January 30, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 22 January

P1 MRS FULTON: Gracie for always trying her best and for coming into school with a huge smile each morning.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Holly for always working really hard.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Amber for being a lovely caring friend to all her classmates.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Isla for always having excellent behaviour and completing her work to a very high standard.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Beth for working so hard to learn her words in preparation for her class Assembly.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Hollie for super team work during PE.

P3: MR FIELD: Calvin for great reordering in his numberwork.

P3: MRS GIBSON: AJ for always trying very hard.

Posted on January 22, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 15 January

P1 MRS FULTON: Olivia always remembers to bring in exciting things for each topic.  Room 1 love seeing them!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Frankie for being super at following instructions during PE!

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Emily for being a super hard worker and being a good friend.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Carson for writing a great story about his trip with his class to Tesco in Holywood.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Penny for being helpful every day in class. She always does things without being asked.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Colby for fantastic problem solving skills in maths.

P3: MR FIELD: Caolan for excellent writing in his weekend news.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Emma for beautiful presentation. Emma always takes great care when completing her work.

Posted on January 15, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 8 January

P1 MRS FULTON: Joshua for great, careful writing about his ‘best present’ at Christmas. Well done!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Maisie for always using beautiful manners.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Sarah for always trying her best to make her work so beautiful. 

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Lydia for super writing about her favourite present.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: William for trying really hard with everything that he does.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Leah for always trying her best and listening so well in class.

P3: MR FIELD: Molly for amazing adjective work.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Cara-Louise for a lovely, glittery painting of Jack Frost.

Posted on January 9, 2020 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 11 December

P1 MRS FULTON: Freya -Skye for trying so hard to write all her letters this week. Well done!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Riley for being super at ordering Christmas trees from the smallest to the biggest.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Henry for working hard.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Luke for being very responsible and leading his line during the Nativity plays.

P2:MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Susanna for being a fabulous during the Nativity, even though she felt a little nervous.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Robin for fantastic number work in class.

P3: MR FIELD: Oscar for excellent listening and super number work to 90!

P3: MRS GIBSON: Arthur for great work on number bonds.

Posted on December 14, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 4 December

P1 MRS FULTON:  Harry is such an artist! Every drawing he does is so carefully done - he has a great      imagination.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Layla for being super at cutting and sticking.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Charlotte for having the most beautiful manners.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Asher for great work on speech bubbles.

P2:MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Poppy for lovely writing in her work. Poppy even does extra work at home!

P3: MR ATCHESON: Ben for doing a wonderful job as a host during our Nativity rehearsals.

P3: MR FIELD: Lucie - May for excellent work in Literacy and always presenting her work neatly.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Sam for being a fantastic shepherd.

Posted on December 5, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 27 November

P1 MRS FULTON: Nina for learning her key words so well each week. What a clever girl!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Archie for super listening skills.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Juliet for being a caring friend to her classmates.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Caleb for always doing his best. He’s such a hard working boy.

P2:MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD Jacob for having such lovely manners which has also been noticed by Mrs McGonigle.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Rama for working really hard on her letter sounds.

P3: MR FIELD: Mark for excellent reading in Nativity rehearsals.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Skye for being a SUPERSTAR!

Posted on November 27, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.