Posts filed under Stars of the Week

Stars of the Week 20 November

P1 MRS FULTON: Qayssar for listening and saying new words, he is AMAZING!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Skye for being super at following instructions during P.E.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Tom for being such a great boy. He is so helpful and listens carefully to instructions.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Cara for writing an excellent letter and keeping her writing so neat.

P2:MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD Logan for writing a great letter with Mrs Hunter inviting his Nan to the Nativity.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Fraser for being such a wonderful helper in class and kindly volunteering to tidy up all of the resource boxes.

P3: MR FIELD: Casey for excellent number work to 70!

P3: MRS GIBSON: Erin for always putting 100% effort into her work.

Posted on November 20, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 13 November

P1 MRS FULTON: Amy for great careful listening when her class does their ’Sound of the week’. Amy has learned them really well!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Ted for making super patterns.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Tom for being enthusiastic and so helpful.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Nico for a fantastic Show and Tell. She did a Powerpoint presentation about her family.

P2:MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Emily for writing a great recount about when a Firefighter called James visited her class.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Elsa for being such a kind friend on the recent Shared Education Days.

P3: MR FIELD: Caden for amazing work on time!

P3: MRS GIBSON: Bethany of being a wonderful friend and being very helpful on the P3 Shared Education Days with Glencraig IPS.

Posted on November 13, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 6 November

P1 MRS FULTON: Maahi for brilliant careful writing about her half term holidays.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Noah for super writing about his half term news.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Jude for having the most beautiful manners.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Hannah for working hard to complete her work on time. Keep it up Hannah!

P2:MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD Aaron for being Mrs Hunter’s great helper at Nativity rehearsals.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Joshua for being a wonderful role model and walking brilliantly along the corridors.

P3: MR FIELD: Liam for always taking pride in all areas of his work.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Lucas for amazing work sorting toys using a Carroll Diagram.

Posted on November 7, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 23 October

P1 MRS FULTON:Rayan for trying very hard to learn lots of new words- she is amazing!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Abel for being super at painting ‘h’.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Ella always does her best. She is a very helpful and kind girl.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON:Alexander for excellent throwing and catching in PE.

P2:MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Caleb for trying really hard to complete his work on time.Well done Caleb!

P3: MR ATCHESON:Harry for fantastic use of question marks in Literacy.

P3: MR FIELD: Jack for super reading in his Class Assembly.

P3: MRS GIBSON:Natasha for always working really hard.She makes Mrs Gibson very happy!

Posted on October 23, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 16 October

P1 MRS FULTON: Reagan for being so kind when people hurt themselves. He has been particularly kind to Qayssar and Freya.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Sophie for super travelling along equipment during PE.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Benjamin for being a lovely caring boy.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Joe for super independent writing.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Zach for being a great boy this week.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Betty for fantastic reading with great expression.

P3: MR FIELD: Taylor for an excellent piece of art work of an Autumn tree.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Logan for trying really hard with his numberwork.

Posted on October 16, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 9 October

P1 MRS FULTON: Lucas has lovely manners and is a great hard worker. Mrs Fulton thinks he’s a brilliant boy!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Aria for always working hard and trying her best.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Zach for outstanding throwing and catching during PE!

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Charlie for writing an excellent recount about a visit from Dr Shaw.

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Danny for trying really hard at everything he des.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Finn for being a wonderful friend on the P3 Shared Education visit to Glencraig IPS.

P3: MR FIELD: Katie for fantastic number work to 50!

P3: MRS GIBSON: Mya for being kind and caring towards her friends.

Posted on October 9, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 2 October

P1 MRS FULTON: Eva concentrates so carefully during all her work and also does beautiful handwriting this week.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Jonah for super writing.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Annie for being so helpful and very hardworking.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Eden for writing a fantastic letter about how Slippy the Seal felt when he was left out of games.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Jack for making a super Get Well Soon Card as part of a class topic.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Lachlan for super singing during his class Assembly song ‘Everyday Heroes!’

P3: MR FIELD:Blake for showing excellent data handling skills.

P3: MRS GIBSON:Luke for super speed at number bonds to 10 on ‘Hit the Button’.

Posted on October 2, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 25 September

P1 MRS FULTON: Jake for making lots of new friends and being a great friend to everyone!

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Luke for great throwing and catching during P.E.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Cormac for listening so carefully and following instructions.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Ben for trying really hard when writing his weekend news.

P2:MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Grace for her fabulous news!

P3: MR ATCHESON: Peter for being a ‘Recycling Champion’. Peter helps to clear the litter in the classroom.

P3: MR FIELD: Joshua for fantastic number work and offering to help others too.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Scarlett for being an amazing scientist and exploring her senses through experiments.

Posted on September 25, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 18 September


Euan for being such a kind boy to others. He listens carefully to his friends during Circle Time.


Ellen for always trying her best and being a great listener.


Claire for being such a great listener. Claire is so well behaved and has a lovely smile every day at school!


Jayden for being a really good friend especially to Ryan.


Ella for using her imagination when travelling and balancing on the small equipment during PE.


Catherine for being a wonderful friend to others in class.


Willow for always helping others.


Brodie for being a fantastic Superman in his class Assembly.

Posted on September 18, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 11 September

P1 MRS FULTON: George for lovely manners and super sharing with others.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Skye for beautiful manners.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Jake for amazing listening and for being a super hard worker!

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Indie for great work using Numicon.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Abigail for fantastic independent writing.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Charlie for fantastic use of capital letters for the names of superheroes!

P3: MR FIELD: Rudy for always writing neatly during Literacy activities.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Lucy for being a wonderful helper.

Posted on September 11, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 4 September

P1 MRS FULTON: Ella for always trying her best and making lots of new friends.

P1: MISS DOBBIN: Sam for being a super boy and a great listener.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Tom for amazing listening.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Abigail for fantastic independent writing.

P2: MRS McGONIGLE & MRS HARRON: Eva for being very helpful to others.

P3: MR ATCHESON: Iris for being a great helper and listening so well in class.

P3: MR FIELD: Gracie for super listening and always putting her hand up to answer questions.

P3: MRS GIBSON: Alex for creating an AWESOME Superhero identity ‘Invincible Man’.

Posted on September 4, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week June 19

P1 MRS FULTON: Charley for amazing number work and working with odd & even numbers.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT:  Ryan for super work all year and being a lovely friend to everyone.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Caleb for always doing his best, he’s an absolute star!

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD:Coalan for being a very kind and helpful friend.

P2: MRS HARRON: Liam for writing a fantastic message in a bottle!

P2: MISS DOBBIN:  Erin for being very helpful to Miss Meneely.

P3: MR ATCHESON:  Charlotte for being a wonderful helper and listener in class.

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Ollie for always giving 100% effort in all activities.

Posted on June 20, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week June 12

P1 MRS FULTON: Toby for being a great helper, tidying up well and helping others.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT:  Zach for super reading and answering questions so well.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: William for amazing taking away. Miss Armstrong is so impressed.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Oscar for being an excellent helper during Pirate Day!

P2: MRS HARRON: Calvin for super writing in his weekend news book.

P2: MISS DOBBIN:  Finn for making a super treasure map!

P3: MR ATCHESON:  Ben for excellent pond dipping skills during the Shared Education visit to Crawfordsburn.

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Amber for being a great friend on the Shared Education trip.

Posted on June 14, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week June 5

P1 MRS FULTON: Ryan for working so hard on his challenge, he even chose to work at it during playtime!

P1: MRS ELLIOTT:  Lorne for working really hard to learn his reading vocabulary.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Penny for brilliant work on half past, well done Penny!

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Skye for making a fabulous treasure map!

P2: MRS HARRON: Logan for working really hard in numberwork and doing excellent adding.

P2: MISS DOBBIN:  Will for making a super Wanted poster for a pirate.

P3: MR ATCHESON:  Clara for excellent work using vertical addition.

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Sophia for fantastic rhyming couplets.

Posted on June 5, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week May 29

P1 MRS FULTON:  Ben for raising his hand to speak and sitting quietly on the carpet.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT:  Ryan for making Mrs Elliott smile with his super reading.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Joe for being a lovely caring friend to his classmates.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Taylor for trying really hard to write his work by himself.

P2: MRS HARRON: Bethany for making fantastic Grass Head Monster!

P2: MISS DOBBIN:  Tate for being a super actor during his class Assembly.

P3: MR ATCHESON:  Jack for painting a fantastic minibeast in its habitat.

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Louis for AMAZING work on multiplying by 2.

Posted on May 29, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week May 22

P1 MRS FULTON: Asher for lovely manners and trying his best.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT:  Emily for being a super actor in her class Assembly.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Elizabeth for writing a lovely story about Floppy.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Blake for making great models with Lego and Duplo.

P2: MRS HARRON: Chloe for amazing independent writing.

P2: MISS DOBBIN:  Willow for always working really hard.

P3: MR ATCHESON:  James for practising so well for all the races for Sports Day.

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Meadow for a beautiful comic using speech bubbles.

Posted on May 22, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week May 15

P1 MRS FULTON: Jacob for lovely manners and raising his hand to speak in class.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT: Phoebe for wonderful work and super reading. 

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Lydia for speaking out so well in her class Assembly.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Brodie for trying really hard all the time especially with his sound work.

P2: MRS HARRON: Colby for amazing instructional writing about planting cress seeds.

P2: MISS DOBBIN: Ethan for writing super instructions about how to grow cress.

P3: MR ATCHESON:  Polly for being a wonderful role model on her class Shared Education visit to the Zoo.

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Ethan for great work when adding tens and units

Posted on May 15, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week May 8

P1 MRS FULTON: Eden for being an amazing listener! Eden listens so carefully at Circle Time and can remember what every child has said.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT: Kate for excellent reading and behaviour.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: James for being able to write sentences all by himself!

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Cara for being very kind, by giving another child some of her break because they had forgotten theirs.

P2: MRS HARRON: Harry for writing amazing sentences about Springtime.

P2: MISS DOBBIN:  Gracie for doing super spellings!

P3: MR ATCHESON:  Jacob for an amazing effort with his Numeracy in class.

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Louis for his enthusiasm when making a junk model sports car.

Posted on May 8, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 1 May

P1 MRS FULTON:  Indie for super sounding out of her own words. Indie is such a hard worker!

P1: MRS ELLIOTT:  Jake for listening so well and laughing at all the jokes during the school show Peter Pan!

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Caleb for being such a lovely caring friend to everyone.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Iris for settling in so well to HPS!

P2: MRS HARRON: AJ for amazing work when  learning new sounds.

P2: MISS DOBBIN:  Emma for always working really hard.

P3: MR ATCHESON:  Vivien for asking some super questions when there was a pilot visiting her class.

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Isobel for being son conscientious and hardworking.

Posted on May 1, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 3 April


Selena for her excellent detective work on Humpty Dumpty and also her lovely manners.


Emily for such beautiful manners and she makes Mrs Elliott and Mrs Duff smile each day.


Abigail for working so hard. She is a great helper and a great friend to everyone!


Leon for writing his news independently.


Arthur for trying his best during number work activities.


Casey for making a super pictogram about pets.


Campbell for making a fantastic pirate during ABL which will be displayed at Peter Pan.


Max for wonderful work on question marks

Posted on April 3, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.