Posts filed under Stars of the Week

Stars of the Week 24 January

P1 Mrs Fulton: Logan for working hard to write his name and remember his sounds.

 P1 Mrs Elliott: Joshua for making  fantastic models at playtime.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Emma for always working so hard and for being a great friend.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Megan for fantastic writing with lots of detail!

P2 Miss Dobbin: T.J. for being very creative during gymnastics! 

P3 Mr Atcheson:  Frankie for fantastic work on his reading.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Susannah for her enthusiasm. Susannah works hard and is great fun in class.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Ariana for working really well to complete her spelling activities.

Posted on January 24, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 18 January

P1 Mrs Fulton: Scarlett for being a kind friend to everyone in P1 .What a lovely girl!

P1 Miss Armstrong: Xavier for fantastic writing about polar bears.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Alfie for making sure he includes everyone in his games. A kind friend!

P2 Miss Dobbin: Caroline for using lots of detail in her writing.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Mimi for fantastic work using Recorder Rosie!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Sam for a wonderful Jack Frost painting.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Ellie for excellent retelling of a story using Summerising Superhero.

Posted on January 18, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 10 January

P1 Mrs Fulton: Caolan for working really hard to learn all his new words each week. Well done!

 P1 Mrs Elliott: Rudy for being such a kind, polite and helpful boy.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Bethany for doing fabulous cutting and sticking all by herself.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Rachel for always trying her best and working very hard.

P2 Miss Dobbin: James for being great at spelling 3 lettered words! Ollie for doing great reading.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Macie for being a great role model when her class visited Little Wing.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Luke for having really good resolutions for 2018!

Posted on January 10, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 8 December

P1 Mrs Fulton: Chloe for fabulous neat work. Chloe always tries her very best in everything she does!

 P1 Mrs Elliott: Lachlan for excellent singing and dancing for our Nativity.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Lucie – May for being a very kind and caring friend.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Ciara for singing with lots of enthusiasm during Nativity rehearsals.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Will for drawing a great picture on the computer using Colour Magic.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Faith for working really hard on her reading.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Jamie for beautiful handwriting and presentation. He always gives 100%.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood: Lori for designing a lovely photo frame.



Posted on December 8, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 30 November

P1 Mrs Fulton                       Harry for trying very hard to learn his new words each week and recognise them really quickly.

P1 Mrs Elliott                       Skye for always being a super kind, helpful and hard working girl.

P1 Miss Armstrong            Liam for being brave and willing to have a try at everything.

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle            Clara for always giving 100% in everything she does.

P2 Miss Dobbin                   Vivien for being a kind, caring friend.

P3 Mr Atcheson                 Lawson for being  really settled when he comes into school each morning.

P3 Mrs Gibson                    Ashton for being a fabulous dancer in her school play.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood    Darby for being an excellent narrator in his school play

Posted on November 30, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 22 November

P1 Mrs Fulton                       Aeryn for being a great friend to Miller, who is new to her class.

P1 Mrs Elliott                       Colby for being a superstar at all his work!

P1 Miss Armstrong            James is always smiling! He is such a helpful and kind boy.

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle            Louis for concentrating on his work and completing activities more  quickly. Well done!

P2 Miss Dobbin                   Oscar for doing super taking away!

P3 Mr Atcheson                  George for working so well as the King in his Class Assembly!

P3 Mrs Gibson                    Arianna has been working really hard on her number work ! Well done, Mrs Gibson is really proud of you! 

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood    Hayden for trying really hard to focus on his activities. Well done!

Posted on November 22, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 15 November

P1 Mrs Fulton: Lucas for working really hard with his cutting skills.Well done!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Arianna for working so well in class. A super girl.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Fraser for giving 100% to everything he does!

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle: Charlotte for always taking care and presenting her work beautifully!

P2 Miss Dobbin: Sara - Lea for working really hard, keep it up!

P3 Mr Atcheson: Bronagh for reading really well in class.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Jude for working really hard on his numberwork.

P3 Mrs Heawood / Mrs Curran: Molly for being very helpful during sessions in the ICT Suite.

Posted on November 15, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 8 November

P1 Mrs Fulton:            Sam for an amazing presentation about flying squirrels! It was fantastic!

P1 Mrs Elliott:             Molly for always being so polite and helpful!

P1 Miss Armstrong:    Harry for being so helpful and a good friend!

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle:    Amber of being a kind and caring friend to others in the playground.

P2 Miss Dobbin:         Polly for writing great sentences about the doctor.

P3 Mr Atcheson:         Cally for being so kind and for always sharing and helping others.

P3 Mrs Gibson:            Ben for fantastic numberwork.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Heawood :    Robbie for coming up with a good question for the class  KWL board.

Posted on November 9, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 25 October 2017

P1 Mrs Fulton:            Arthur for being such a great listener!

P1 Mrs Elliott:             Carter for being very kind helping another boy in his class at playtime.

P1 Miss Armstrong:   Will for working independently.

P2 Mrs Mc Gonigle:    Blake for brilliant mouse control in ICT.

P2 Miss Dobbin:          Isaac for writing a great blurb!

P3 Mr Atcheson:         Dylan for great work using Tricky Triangles in number activities.

P3 Mrs Gibson:            Jason for being a fantastic actor in his class Assembly.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood:    Evan for being a really sensible boy.

Posted on October 26, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 11 October 2017

P1 Mrs Fulton: Conor for trying hard to share with others and for lovely work in class.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Mya for excellent work and behaviour.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Peter for having a great attitude to school!

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Katie for fantastic balance and control when using the large equipment.

Miss Dobbin: Daisy for doing great adding!

P3 Mr Atcheson: Lexi for fantastic creative writing in the class topic, 'Once Upon a Time.'

P3 Mrs Gibson: Jayden for writing fantastic stories.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Mollie for trying very hard to complete her work in the given time. Well done Mollie!

Posted on October 11, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 4 October

P1 Mrs Fulton: Blake for being so careful with all his work. Blake colours in so neatly – like a big P2!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Alex for being a kind and helpful boy.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Tate for always being enthusiastic and he has a BIG smile on his face each day!

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Aminah- Grace for developing her confidence to walk along the climbing frame by herself. She didn’t give up!

Miss Dobbin: Sophia for trying to write by herself. Sophia for trying to write by herself.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Mia for super work in her spelling activities.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Riley for painting a wonderful Tinkerbell. Mrs Gibson loved all the glitter!

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Maia for making a beautiful feelings flower.



Posted on October 4, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 27 September

P1 Mrs Fulton: Cara is a great listener.She is always so helpful at tidy up time.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Calvin for making Mrs Elliott smile every day as he is so well behaved and kind.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Elsa is an absolute star! She always tries her best.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Erin for settling into her new school brilliantly and working really hard.

Miss Dobbin: Noah for being a great listener and working really hard!

P3 Mr Atcheson: Charlie for being a great role model in the class and always listening so well.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Ethan for being very helpful.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Jackson for excellent acting as Jesus in his class assembly.

Posted on September 27, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 20 September

P1 Mrs Fulton: Carl for fantastic number work. Carl can make a brilliant play dough number 4!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ethan for settling into school so well.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Finn is an absolute star. He listens so carefully, I well behaved and a good friend.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Lacey for writing independently.

Miss Dobbin: Sophia for writing fabulous detailed sentences all by herself.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Emma for great use of capital letter for a person's name.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Zac for being a ST*R! Zac works really hard, he listens well and also walks really well along the corridor.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Lori works really hard to complete her work all by herself.

Posted on September 20, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 13 September

P1 Mrs Fulton: Rene for a beautiful smile all the time! Rene has also made lots of friends in P1! 

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ella for being such a kind and helpful girl in class.                 

P1 Miss Armstrong: Leon for excellent listening and being so well behaved.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Charlotte for brilliant listening and great work.

 Miss Dobbin:  Jacob for using lovely manners.

P3 Mr Atcheson: Elis for working really hard on his handwriting.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Ben for working really hard on his numberwork.                       

 P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Lucy for writing lots of independent sentences in her ‘All about me’ book.

Posted on September 13, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 6 September

P1 Mrs Fulton: Taylor for lovely polite manners and for being an amazing listener in P1!

P1 Mrs Elliott:  Natasha for bringing lots of lovely items in for her class ‘s’ sound table and also being such a good girl in class.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Willow for beautiful manners and listening so carefully. 

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Ruby for writing brilliant sentences by herself!

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Esther for writing lots of sentences about her summer holiday!

P3 Mr Atcheson : Bea for great work in Maths. Bea has completed super ordering of numbers and recognising odd and even numbers.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Chloe for fabulous ‘joined up’ writing when completing her spellings using glitter and glue.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Bihan for settling in so well to P3 Room 7 and doing fabulous work.

Posted on September 6, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 14 June


P1 Mrs Donald: Lucy for remembering so many reading words in her class quiz.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Caleb for speaking so well in his class Assembly.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Olivia for trying to write stories independently.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Jessica for much improved throwing during PE.

                             Mia for great reading.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Missy for an excellent effort and improvement when reading and writing independently.

                                 Evie for always doing brilliant work.

P2 Mrs Curran: Holly for always doing her best in everything she does.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Toby for working very hard on his handwriting.

P3 Mrs Fulton:  Logan for brilliant work making sets of 5. Well done Logan!

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Alana  for being very helpful for Mrs Shimmin.

Posted on June 15, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 5 June

P1 Mrs Donald: Charlie for learning how to add two numbers together.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ciara for writing a fantastic book about cats.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Louis for fantastic writing about his holiday.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Marcie for doing really tricky adding and subtracting numberwork.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Ariana for amazing creative writing. A brilliant story about an enormous pumpkin.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Mollie for super sentences about caring for plants AND trying really hard to finish her work on time.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Roo for fabulous number work.

P3 Mrs Fulton: Minnie for trying really hard when working with change from £1.00 and doing it so well. Well done Minnie!

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Laurie for really beautiful presentation of all her work.

Posted on June 5, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 24 May

P1 Mrs Donald: Sarah for always working hard and behaving so well!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ruby for being a very kind and helpful member of the class.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Zara always does beautiful work and listens so carefully.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Cally for being a lovely, kind friend.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Jude for an AMAZING arrow throw in P.E.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Maia for super reading with great expression. Amazing!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Lucas is always ready to listen and tries hard to do his best.

P3 Mrs Fulton: Rob for his enthusiasm about our new topic - Minibeasts!

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Eva for making a  100% effort in all her work. Well done Eva!

Posted on May 24, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 17 May

P1 Mrs Donald: Noah

P1 Mrs Elliott: Vivien for trying really hard to complete all her work on time.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Caroline for trying to sound out words independently when writing stories.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Luke for great behaviour and good listening!

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Olly for filling in with a speaking part last minute in his class assembly. He did a great job, well done Olly!

P2 Mrs Curran:  Ronan for great reading and trying really hard to remember his reading words.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Bea for creating a fabulous Triceratops!

P3 Mrs Fulton: Madison for working really hard and getting ALL her work finished on time.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Struan for being so helpful during Dinosaur Day!

Posted on May 17, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 10 May

P1Mrs Donald: Ollie for super progress with his phonics. Ollie is reading and writing words all by himself!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Meadow is a superstar! She gets all her work done on time. 

P1 Miss Armstrong: Isaac for fantastic number work!

P2 Miss Dobbin: Daniel for doing great literacy work.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Sam for always listening carefully and having beautiful manners.

P2 Mrs Curran: Erin for writing super sentences about her class trip to the Folk Museum.

P3 Mrs Fulton: Oskar for bringing in lots of brilliant dinosaur drawings that he did himself!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Zac for fabulous work when adding tens and units.

P3 Mrs Hunter / Mrs Heawood   Charlie for excellent problem solving during their dinsosaur activities.

Posted on May 10, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.