Posts filed under Stars of the Week

Stars of the Week 26 April

P1 Mrs Donald: Charlie for great number work!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Daisy for knowing all her reading words.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Rachel for amazing reading!

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Lara for writing lots of super detailed about her holiday at Easter.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Charlie for always trying his best and being so well behaved.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Tilly for great bat and ball skills. Well done Tilly for  showing great control of the ball in P.E.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Jacob for being enthusiastic about his class dinosaur research! Jacob has some great ideas for describing a velociraptor.

P3 Miss McKeown: Scott for listening carefully and answering questions well about his P3 topics.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Alana for being so helpful all the time!

Posted on April 26, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 29 March

P1 Mrs Donald: Amber for brilliant work on the story of 3,4 and 5. Well done!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ruby for being such a kind and helpful girl.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Faith always tries her best and has a great attitude to all her work.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Matthew for doing super number work.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Chloe for fantastic addition and subtraction.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Jake for retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs so well.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Katie for being an extremely thoughtful girl.

P3 Miss McKeown: Mollie for cleverly making a super parachute.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Steven for making a lovely Mothers Day card for his mum.


Posted on March 29, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 22 March

P1 Mrs Donald: Sophia for knowing all her sounds and trying to read short words.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Jacob for knowing lots of his letter sounds. Well done!

P1 Miss Armstrong: Clara for always doing her best work. Clara is a great girl!

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Molly for great throwing and catching during P.E.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Finn for reading really fluently and using expression. Finn is a fabulous reader!

P2 Mrs Curran:  Darby for making a fantastic Powerpoint about St. Patricks Day

P3 Mrs Gibson: Fergus for working really hard on his numbers.

P3 Miss McKeown: Matthew for being a great help to Mrs Robinson when she was looking after his class.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Eva for doing excellent Irish dancing, winning a trophy and three medals!

Posted on March 22, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 15 March

P1 Mrs Donald: Alexander for thinking of lots of rhyming words.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Amelia for super reading and getting all her written work completed.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Emily - Rose for brilliant reading and sounding out unfamiliar words so well.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Abi for always trying really hard at everything she does.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Bronagh for always doing fantastic work.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Molly for super reading and knowing her spelling words so well.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Ruby for always trying very hard. Well done Ruby.

P3 Miss McKeown: Daisy for trying very hard to keep her writing neat. Daisy works hard at anything she does.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Ollie for trying so hard to be really well behaved and make sensible choices.

Posted on March 15, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 10 March

P1 Mrs Donald: Lacey for working hard to remember all the sounds.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ciara for writing super sentences all by herself.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Ben always tries his best and so well behaved.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Ben for trying hard to spell new words.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Emma for doing her best work and making sure it is presented beautifully.

P2 Mrs Curran:  Ellie for writing really interesting sentences.

P3 Mrs Gibson:  James for trying really hard at his new school. P3s love having him in their class.

P3 Miss McKeown: Lexi for always doing her best work! She is a star!**

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Omar for settling in really well in his first week at HPS!

Posted on March 12, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 1 March 2017

P1 Mrs Donald Ethan for his brilliant writing for 'Miss Polly had a dolly'. 

P1 Mrs Elliott: Vivien for trying so hard to get her work completed on time.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Trey for walking nicely in the line.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Jayden for doing great gymnastics during P.E.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Antony for copying writing from the board.

P2 Miss McGuile:  Calum for writing really interesting sentences about Shrove Tuesday.

P3 Miss McKeown: Jay for always listening really carefully to instructions and giving good ideas in Circle Time.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Rob for being a fantastic reporter in the class News Report on Columbus.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Joshua for during excellent work on the Atlas app on the iPad.

Posted on March 2, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 8 February

P1 Mrs Donald: James for excellent behaviour and super manners.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ethan for being very polite.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Noah for being a good friend.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Annabelle for doing great adding and subtracting.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Missy for fantastic number work.

P2 Miss McGuile:  Ashton - Khloe for super work.

P3 Mrs Gibson:  Katie for being very enthusiastic on her fitness day with Fitness Freddy.

P3 Miss McKeown: Freddy for being a fantastic chef during our 'food' topic- making sandwiches / fruit salad etc.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Ander for trying hard with Fitness Freddy!

Posted on February 8, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 1 February

P1 Mrs Donald: Leah always knows her reading words really well.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Evan for being able to help make the Story of 3 in number activities.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Louis for excellent dribbling skills during P.E.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Abbie for always working hard!

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  George for speaking really well about Norther Ireland in Show & Tell. George was full of enthusiasm!

P2 Miss McGuile: Sophia for super double end sounds. Fabulous! 

P3 Mrs Gibson:  Jamie for working really hard. Mrs Gibson is so pleased with him.

P3 Miss McKeown: Arianna for excellent number work and mental maths skills. Well done!

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Toni for excellent writing when recording the scientific process of how her class made jelly.

Posted on February 1, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 25 January

P1 Mrs Donald: Charlie for really confident reading of his books.

P1 Mrs Elliott:  Sophia Robertson for excellent reading and always remembering to say please and thank you.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Olivia for always doing beautiful work and drawing amazing pictures for Miss Armstrong.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Jessica for doing great sentences.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Lawson for concentrating on his work really well.  

P2 Miss McGuile:  Jason for fabulous mouse control when using Colour Magic in the ICT Suite.

P3 Mrs Gibson:  Tamara for being very kind.

P3 Miss McKeown: Mollie for trying really hard with her reading. Mollie has been able to read some tricky books recently. Well done!

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood:  Joshua for trying very hard in his class Assembly. He learnt all his words and was very enthusiastic during singing too.

Posted on January 25, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 18 January

P1 Mrs Donald: Lucy for being a lovely kind girl especially in the playground.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ruby for being a great listener and giving help when needed.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Isaac for beautiful writing copied from the whiteboard.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Susannah for always being very helpful.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Dylan for always being kind and having beautiful manners.

P3 Mrs Gibson:  Grace for lovely work retelling  the Journey of a Banana.

P3 Miss McKeown: Reuben for trying to do his work really neatly.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Emily for learning all her words for her class Assembly.

Posted on January 18, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 11 January

P1 Mrs Donald:  Sarah for being a very kind and helpful girl.

P1 Mrs Elliott:  Jack for excellent work and behaviour.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Rachel for being a good friend and working hard.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Evan for writing very detailed weekend news. Well done!

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Seth for great bouncing and catching in PE.

P2 Miss McGuile:  Zac for being a kind friend during playtime.

P3 Mrs Gibson:  Anna for beautiful work and always doing her best.

P3 Miss McKeown: Chestha for a lovely helpful attitude. Chestha is always volunteering to help tidy up or wash paint pots. Nothing is ever too much trouble for her.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Cerys for always smiling at Mrs Hunter and making her feel so welcome back to school !

Posted on January 11, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 9 December

 P1 Mrs Donald:  Sophia for reading her new reading book brilliantly!

P1 Mrs Elliott:  Eve for being a very kind girl. She made a lovely present for a visiting student.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Max for trying hard to work by himself and having a lovely smile!

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Jackson for working hard to complete his work in the given time. Well done.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Scarlett for super writing about Firefighters.

P2 Miss McGuile:  Luke for sharing super facts with the class.

P3 Mrs Gibson:  Zac for fantastic work on tricky triangles.

P3 Miss McKeown: Alice Jane for writing a fantastic story about 'The toy that came to life.' It was brilliant!

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood: Carling for performing very well in the Nativity Play.

Posted on December 9, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 30 November

P1 Mrs Donald:  Sadhbh for working hard to learn her reading words.

P1 Mrs Elliott:  T.J. for beautiful artwork.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Alfie for having impeccable manners and for always being so helpful.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Arianna for writing a great letter to Santa.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Lucy for excellent sentences about Winter.

P2 Miss McGuile: Cole for super writing about Winter.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Aoife for being a wonderful angel in the Nativity Play.

P3 Miss McKeown: Lucas for lovely manners. Lucas is always polite to everyone.

P3 Mrs Curran / Mrs Heawood: Eva for excellent work at all times.

Posted on November 30, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 23 November

P1 Mrs Donald: Polly for working hard to remember all her reading words.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Jamie for super reading and excellent behaviour.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Jacob for always doing his best and for being very helpful.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Lara for writing a great letter.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Chloe for beautiful singing during Nativity rehearsals.

P2 Miss McGuile: Jake for fabulous number work about the number before.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Lexi for a fabulous effort each day during the rehearsals for the Nativity.

P3 Miss McKeown:  Jack for learning all his lines really well for the Nativity.

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood: Emily for beautiful singing during Nativity rehearsals.

Posted on November 23, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 16 November

P1 Mrs Donald: Alexander for super behaviour in class and excellent singing at rehearsals.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Ashton for excellent work and super behaviour!

P1 Miss Armstrong: Deborah - Agnes for always doing beautiful work.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Abi for super adding.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Arianna for excellent throwing and catching in PE.

P2 Miss McGuile:  Taevon for super taking away 1.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Roo for wonderful writing about her favourite toy.

P3 Miss McKeown:  Karleah for trying hard to keep her writing neat.

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood: Joshua for wonderful manners.

Posted on November 16, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 9 November

P1 Mrs Donald: Amber for having great manners. She always remembers to say please and thank you.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Aminah - Grace for excellent counting to 6. Well done. Aminah is great at cutting out too!

P1 Miss Armstrong: Caroline for being so caring and a good friend.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Robbie for using lovely manners.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Lori for great number work when adding on 2 more.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Noah for being a very kind and thoughtful boy.

P3 Miss McKeown: Kaleb for top effort in all his work recently. Miss McKeown is so pleased!

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood:  Laurie for always being kind and helpful.

Posted on November 9, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 26 October

P1 Mrs Donald: Blake for super reading words.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Bella for being a super girl for writing her letters and numbers.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Oscar for being so caring and a good friend.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Kate for doing super number work!

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Hannah for excellent Autumn writing.

P2 Miss McGuile: Mollie for fantastic Autumn writing.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Finley for fantastic work on money to 50p.

P3 Miss McKeown: Matthew and Lucas for writing amazing stories about Jack and the Beanstalk.

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood:  Reid for a fantastic retold story about The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.

Posted on October 26, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.

Stars of the Week 19 October

P1 Mrs Donald: Millar for super letter writing formation and lovely neat writing!

P1 Mrs Elliott: Will for being very kind, helpful and a super boy at reading.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Faith for having lovely manners.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Noah for trying really hard to make his writing a little smaller. It is getting neater each day. Well done!

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Evan for concentrating and finishing his work on time.

P2 Miss McGuile:  Jessica for great adding on 1. Well done!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Tori for being a great helper.

P3 Miss McKeown:  Ella – Rose for cheering up her class with her beautiful solos.

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood: Joshua for excellent writing of instructions on how to grow a bean.

Posted on October 19, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.