P4 MR FIELD: Nathan for having excellent rugby skills.

Toby for making a great start with HTU.

P4 MRS MC KEOWN: Ruby and Bethany for bringing great enthusiasm in dance practice.

P4 MISS McDONALD: Faye for being kind and considerate in class and the playground.

Felix for working hard on his HTU.

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS WILSON: Sam and Olivia for excellent posters about the U.S.A.

P5 MRS BROWN: Theo and Juliet for wonderful posters on U.S.A.

P6 MRS RIDDALL: Elizabeth for excellent work on decimals.

Jack for great recount writing.

P6 MRS HART: Charley for super pushing and stopping skills during hockey.

Eve for much improved organisational skills.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Ashley and Juliette for beautiful artwork including the P1-P3 play, School Mascot and compass stars.

P7 MRS FRANCIS: Scarlett for excellent work on Roman Numerals.

Zoe for unbelievable knowledge of worldwide countries and time zones.

P7 MR MC CONNELL: Blake and Jack for super work using Roman Numerals.

Posted on December 6, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.