P4 MR FIELD: Indi for fantastic comprehensive work.
James for amazing knowledge and interest in our WW2 topic.
P4 MRS MC KEOWN: Aoife and Zara for great working on capacity - comparing containers that are more or less than 1 litre.
P4 MISS McDONALD: Evie and Rafferty for both writing magnificent WW2 letters.
P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS WILSON: Emily for working really hard at comprehension.
Fletcher for excellent work on digital time.
P5 MRS BROWN: Freya-Skye and Jake for writing super recount letters.
P6 MRS RIDDALL: Jamie for excellent reading aloud in class.
Emily for great contributions during problem solving lessons.
P6 MRS HART: Luke for completing lots of great work over the last two weeks.
Ella for super work on measurement conversions.
P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Peter and Luke for displaying outstanding super cricket skills and outstanding sportsmanship.
P7 MRS FRANCIS: Oliver for trying very hard with his hand writing this week.
Leon for always volunteering to read aloud during our class novel and doing so brilliantly.
P7 MR MC CONNELL: Skye for a great poem on spiders.
Oscar for always producing excellent maths work, especially this week as we were adding fractions.