P4 MR FIELD: Henry for excellent place value work.
Heidi for excellent expression whilst reading.
P4 MRS MC KEOWN: Jaxson and Art for great work on adding and subtracting 10 on a 100 square.
P4 MISS McDONALD: Mason for working hard to secure his knowledge on his X3 tables.
Edward for fantastic rugby skills.
P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS WILSON: Henry for super mental Arithmetic
Lucy for a super watercolour painting.
P5 MRS BROWN: Hafsah for a great effort to improve the speed of her work.
Joshua for great work on digital time.
P6 MRS RIDDALL: Alex for a great oil pastel self portrait.
Toby for fantastic problem solving involving cm and m.
P6 MRS HART: Harry and Saoirse for excellent understanding of homophones.
P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Iris for a great effort to improve spelling.
Emma for super thinking skills during problem solving in Maths.
P7 MRS FRANCIS: Betty for making a great start in Term 2 - hard working, kind and thinking of others.
Finn for being an excellent friend, always thinking of others first.
P7 MR MC CONNELL Lucas for always giving 100%, even when he finds something challenging.
Caden for great work on rounding and multiplying 10 and 100.