P4 Mrs Gibson: Eliza for thoughful work on the signs of Autumn.

P4 Mrs McKeown: Lucy & Maisie for beautiful pastel planets picture, very neat and paid attention to detail.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson: Henry for finding things in school to make him happy. Skye for working hard, following instructions and being kind.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Rory & Luca for working hard, following instructions and being kind.

P5 Mrs Brown: Abigail for completing all activities conscientiously. Harry for working hard on subtractions this week.

 P6 Mrs Clarke / Mrs Heawood: Liam for working hard and being cheerful despite his broken arm. Emma for working quietly and conscientiously all the time.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Charlie for showing wonderful enthusiasm for all P6 activities. Colby for always working hard and modelling great listening.

P6 Mr McConnell: Abraham for great work learning the 7x tables. Gracie for excellent work in maths and literacy and always giving everything a go.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Meadow for excellent work on long multiplication. Alfie for fantastic research on bats.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Blake for excellent attitude towards his work and is always being well-behaved. Charlotte for answering with confidence in class.

Posted on September 16, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.