P1 MISS DOBBIN: Madi for her beautiful manners.

P1 MISS ARMSTRONG:Tristan for excellent behaviour and for always doing his best.

P2 MRS FULTON & MRS CLARKE: Joseph for working really hard to sound out his own words during Weekend News. Well done Joseph!

P2 MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Tristan for being so kind and caring to all his friends during inside and outside playtime.

P2/3 MRS GIBSON: Eliza for fabulous creative writing about having a magic wand!

P3 MR FIELD: Hafsah for excellent poses during the Shared Education Yoga session.

P3 MR ATCHESON: Jonah for building an amazing car using construction toys.

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Posted on September 7, 2021 and filed under Stars of the Week.