Stars of the Week 16 January

P1 MRS FULTON: Ella is a great listener and always tries her best.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT: Jayden has been such a great boy in his new class.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG:  Hannah for always having a smile on her face and being a great friend.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Mark for doing excellent recycling work and recognising the word aluminium!

P2: MRS HARRON: Miller for listening well in class and learning lots of sounds and words.

P2: MISS DOBBIN: Lucie - May for being super at spelling words with three sounds!

P3: MR ATCHESON: Flynn for researching some super facts on food!

P3: MRS GIBSON:  Martha for being a wonderful helper. Mrs Gibson doesn’t know what she would do with out her!

Posted on January 16, 2019 and filed under Stars of the Week.