HPS Rugby is back!

The HPS Rugby Squad travelled to Malone RFC today to take part in the Ulster Rugby Regional Blitz. They played some fantastic rugby throughout 4 games whilst braving the elements and experience all the seasons at once.


Well done to everyone involved.

Posted on April 15, 2024 .

New gardening equipment for HPS

Ards and North Down council parks department have kindly given HPS some new tools and gardening equipment as part of their Growing Club scheme. P4, Room 14 enjoyed meeting Ryan today, an expert gardener from the council. He came with the new equipment and helped us prepare the polytunnel for growing some fruit and vegetables this Spring. We look forward to working more with Ryan in the coming months.

Posted on March 22, 2024 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

Red Nose Day at HPS

Thank you everyone for your generous donations. Over £420 has been raised for Comic Relief!

Don’t forget to check out your child’s Seesaw or Google Classroom for more Red Nose Day photos.

Posted on March 15, 2024 .

Book Sale for Concern Worldwide

We were so delighted with the success of our Book Sale on World Book Day. We raised £480 for the charity! Huge thanks to Sheila and Liz from Concern Worldwide, our fabulous P7 helpers and to everyone who came to the sale. What a brilliant way to encourage reading, support a local charity and help the environment. Enjoy looking at other pictures here!

Posted on March 8, 2024 .

Safer Internet Day 2024

Tuesday 6th February 2024 is Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.’ Every class will spend time discussing the importance of staying safe online as well as completing some fun activities to reinforce this message. It would be great if you could have a chat with your child/children about internet safety and what they can do to ensure they stay safe online.

If you need more information you can visit the following website: https://saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2024/parents-and-carers

For further help and advice on internet safety make sure to check out the Online Safety section of our website in the Parents menu.

Posted on February 1, 2024 and filed under ICT.

Harry Sheridan returns to HPS

Harry Sheridan current Ulster Rugby Player and former Holywood Primary School pupil kindly popped into this afternoon to coach the rugby squad.


The children loved getting some expert tips, learning new drills and were able to ask Harry about what is like as a professional rugby player.


Thanks again to Harry for coming in and good luck for the rest of the season.

Posted on January 30, 2024 and filed under Sports.

HPS House Mascot Winner

A massive congratulations to Sam in P7R13 from the Green House whose mascot ‘Finley the Falcon’ was selected as the HPS School Mascot for the 2023/24 school year. Sam represented all the school Houses in his brilliant design. Well done to all the P5-P7 pupils who entered in what was a very tough contest to decide the winner! We look forward to many more fun House competitions in the New Year!

Posted on December 19, 2023 .