Cross Country qualify for NI Finals

On Tuesday 25 pupils from across P5-P7 headed to Newcastle to compete in the Second Round of the Flavahans Cross Country competition.

On a beautiful, bright and brisk morning the boys and girls had a blast running at the foot of the Mourne Mountains. The boys team finished 3rd overall in their heats and qualified for the NI Finals in January and although the girls team narrowly missed out on qualifying both Isla and Mia both made it through to the finals based on their individual performances. A huge congrats on what is a great achievement!

All the boys and girls loved getting out and getting active in what was a brilliant day all round! A massive congratulations to all the boys and girls who took part and a big thank you to both Mr Lockington and Mr Wright for all their help as parent representatives.

Posted on December 5, 2019 .

Outdoor Classroom Day 2019

Thursday 7th November was National Outdoor Classroom Day! Over 690,000 children were involved in outdoor learning across the UK and Ireland! Unfortunately for us in NI it was pretty wet on the Thursday but P1-6 took their learning outside at some point that week or the week after! It was a great success! Between Autumn walks, leaf hunts, clock and fraction work and even making poppy pictures out of leaves, the pupils really enjoyed it and engaged well. P5 even put out bird feeders as part of our ECO focus on developing our school’s biodiversity! Take a look at some of the photos we took!

Posted on November 26, 2019 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

P4 Space Models

P4 have just finished their Space topic this week with a junk models homework. Waste is one of our current ECO topics and we were so impressed at how our P4s creativity reused old items and junk to form these exciting models! We had a whole range of rockets, planets, astronauts and the International Space Station. The models are currently on display in the foyer for the next few weeks. A big thank you to all the parents who gave a helping hand.

Posted on November 12, 2019 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

New Netball Tops Revealed

The school netballers were thrilled to see their new netball hoodies courtesy of Mrs Robertson and anyvision. The girls enjoyed sporting the new tops and can’t wait to wear them during the upcoming season. The new hoodies will look great alongside their new kits and tracksuits.

A massive thank you again to Mrs Robertson and anyvision for supplying the school with the personally designed kits.

Posted on November 4, 2019 .

Harvest Assembly 2019

Our two areas for PDMU in school for September and October are ‘respect’ and ‘sharing’. As part of our Harvest collection this year  the children were encouraged to help share ‘their wealth’ by donating to STOREHOUSE, a Charity that collect donations of food and then distribute all the items to families in need in the Belfast area. We were delighted with the response from all the families of HPS. Boxes and boxes of food were collected! Matt from Storehouse can along to our Assembly to thank everyone. With the help of some P7 pupils his car was filled to the brim! Everything will be distributed in the coming weeks to families in need. 

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone. 

Our Harvest Assembly celebrated this special time. Granny came to visit!   (Aka Angela Megarry from Holywood Parish Church!)She spoke to the children about how we should all take care of our world.The boys and girls also enjoyed listening to the P4&5 choir as well as having the opportunity to sing a number of songs too. Well done also to a number of our P5-P7 musicians and members of our Music Club who helped accompany the songs we sang too.

Posted on October 16, 2019 .

Ulster Swmming Success

Congratulations to five HPS swimmers who took part at the Swim Ulster Schools Cup and Championship, held in Bangor.
Eira, Bea and Ellie competed in the morning session for 9/10 year olds, each swimming in two events. All three achieved personal best times in their races and Ellie made the final of the 10yr 50m fly where she came 9th.

Jorja and Ben each competed in two events in the afternoon session for 11/12 year olds.

Jorja qualified for two finals where she was 9th in the 11yr 50m freestyle and 6th in the 11yr 100m individual medley. 

Ben also qualified for two finals where he was 4th in the 11yr 50m backstroke and 6th in the 11yr 50m freestyle.

Both Jorja and Ben achieved personal best times in their races and have qualified for the Irish Minor Schools Championships in February, which will be held at the National Aquatic Centre in Dublin.

Well done to everyone, such great results all round. Sincere thanks to Mrs Starks and Mr McBride for helping on the day ensuring everyone was in the right place and ready for their races in plenty of time!

Posted on October 14, 2019 and filed under Sports.

PTA Wish List Winners Weeks 2&3

WELL DONE to our four classes who have recently won the PTA Wish List £100! The boys and girls can't wait to spend the money for lots of lovely new games for their classrooms.

Mrs Brown P5 Mrs McGonigle & Mrs Harron P2

Mr Mc Connell P7 Miss Dobbin P1

Posted on October 9, 2019 .

Flavahans Primary Cross Country Round 1

On Tuesday a record number of 24 boys and girls across P5-P7 competed in the Flavahans Primary School Cross Country Competition at Henry Jones Playing Fields. It was great to see so many pupils willing to participate and enjoy keeping active!

A massive well done to both the boys team who finished in a fantastic 3rd place and also the girls team who finished in an excellent 5th place overall in their team races.

There were some fantastic individual performances as well, most notably with Reuben finishing an impressive 4th overall in the mixed fun run and Matthew L finishing 6th, Lucas 9th and Isla 10th with some super fast times in a very competitive field in both the girls and boys team races!

A massive well done to all the boys and girls who took part and enjoyed the opportunity to challenge themselves while having fun and keeping fit! You all did HPS proud!

Thanks to Mr Lockington as the parent representative and for all the parents who helped out on the day. photo cred: Mrs Crowe :)

Check out the results in Round 1 using the link below:


Posted on October 8, 2019 .

Bangor Cares Football Tournament

Today Holywood participated in the Bangor Cares Football Tournament at Bangor Fuels Arena. Holywood entered two teams, fielding 20 boys and girls across P6 and P7 in what was a super day for some sports fun in the sun.

The teams played some fantastic football showing great teamwork, work ethic and displayed some individual moments of brilliance leading to some terrific goals. Both teams registered 2 wins and 2 losses respectively in what was a fantastic afternoon of football.

Many thanks to all the parent helpers for providing transport and for staying to cheer the boys and girls on!


Holywood A - Grange Park A: 0-1 (L)

Holywood B - Holywood A: 0-2

Holywood B - Grange Park B: 1-0 (W)

Holywood A - Grange Park B: 0-1 (L)

Holywood B - Sullivan: 1-0 (W)

Holywood B - Grange Park A: 0-2 (L)

Holywood A - Sullivan : 4-0 (W)

Posted on September 25, 2019 and filed under Sports.

P6 Bryson Energy Awareness Talk

P6 pupils and staff welcomed Education Advisor Rachel Brady to HPS.

Rachel gave an informative presentation on behalf of the Schools Energy Efficiency Awareness Programme By Bryson Energy which is part of the Bryson Charitable Group.

The boys and girls enjoyed the afternoon and learnt lots about the importance of being energy efficient in our every day lives.

Posted on September 25, 2019 and filed under ECO SCHOOLS.

P3 Superhero Day

On Thursday P3 had a blast dressing up as their favourite Superhero and testing their Superhero Senses! They explored all 5 of their senses in an action packed day of fun investigations. It was truly a SUPER DAY!

Posted on September 23, 2019 .