HPS receive their fourth Green Flag!
All smiles at the PTA Fair
Thank you to everyone who was involved or came along to support the Summer Fair.
Green Flag Assessment
The boys, girls and members of staff are busy putting the finishing touches to the school grounds.
Cricket World Cup 2016
Twenty of our P6 & P7 pupils and Mrs Hart enjoyed a great day at Sea Park
Welcome to our new-look website
We’re excited to bring you our new mobile-friendly website. Read our 30 second guide to the new navigation.
John Barratt Football Tournament
A few new faces had the opportunity to represent the school at one of the end of year tournaments.
Netball Tournament at Rockport
Congratulations to our netball team who won three matches in the annual Rockport tournament
P7 Trip to Edinburgh
Many of our P7 pupils are in Edinburgh this week.
East Down Mini Rugby Tournament
Twelve of our P6 and P7 boys had a great day at Ards Rugby Club.
MS Charity Handover
Action MS Chief Executive Ann Walker visited us to receive a cheque for an amazing £8620.
Re - Cycling Monday 9 - Friday 13 May
Support us in Term 3 as we continue to promote a pro-cycling culture both to and from school
Holywood May Day art competition winners
Congratulations to Scarlett (P1), Hannah (P1) and Claire (P5) who have won prizes in the May Day art competition this year.
P7 Develop programming skills
We are one of only two primary schools in the Belfast area taking part in "Hive Hacking", a coding initiative run by PWC.
PTA Ladies' night
A big thank you to Victoria Nevin who organised this tremendously successful event.
Buddy bench
Our P1 and P2 children now have a colourful Buddy Bench
MS charity sponsored walk
Our charity sponsored walk in Crawfordsburn Country Park on behalf of Action MS charity raised a staggering £8,620.
Football team reach League Play Off Finals
Holywood beat Ballyholme in the league playoff at Spafield.
Boys' Hockey team reach NI finals
Congratulations to our Boys’ Hockey Team who performed extremely well in the NI Finals earlier this month.
TEAM: E. Cheshire, J. Crookshanks, P. Hughes, M. Shannon, B. Lewis, J. Thompson and R. Waryck.
Wish List Winners WEEK 13 + WEEK 14
Week 13 - P7 Room 9 were pleased that it was their turn to win the £75 in the P4-P7 wish list draw. Mrs Clarke has planned to go shopping over Easter to buy the different games the boys and girls asked for. They wanted activities they could play when they are inside at break and lunchtime on a wet day.
WELL DONE ROOM 4! You can tell by the big smiles that P2 Room 4 were delighted that they had won!Well done to Miss Dobbin's class. Miss Dobbin has already been shopping for some new games for the boys and girls to play with. They are also hoping to buy some new equipment for the House Area.
Wish List Winner WEEK 11 + WEEK 12
5 Room 13 thought a lot about what they would like for their class.They hope to buy some novels for their library. Also board games e.g. Chess, Game of Life. They’d really like some fun activities for wet break and lunchtimes when they are inside. If possible a few new apps for the Ipads and if there is any money left over they will buy some new colouring pencils, felt tips and glue sticks!
This morning there were big cheers from P2 Room 8. They were delighted that their class had won the Wish List money. Mrs McGonigle is looking forward to shopping for some new table top games and some wet playtime activities for the boys and girls. Thank you to the PTA from P2 Room 8!