Winning House Crest Design

The P5-P7 classes took part in another competition to earn not only points for their House but also the accolade of designing their own House Crest to be displayed in school. Pupils had to work independently to get creative and design their own House Crest that they felt best represented their House and its values that they themselves could choose.

Each Crest had to incorporate their Houses Colours and also some values they believe their House should uphold. (e.g. kindness, sportsmanship, loyalty, trust etc). Once all the designs were completed the House and Sports Captains had to select the top 10 crest designs from their represented Houses which they felt were the best which proved to be a very difficult decision as lots of the entries were of a very high standard! The House and Sports Captains worked diligently together as a team to fairly rank and order all the entries for their House which they brought to Mr Atcheson who selected a winner from each House to be displayed on the House Competitions board. A prize was also given to the best House Crest Design overall and they were also awarded 80 House Points!

Well done to all involved in what was a very difficult competition to judge.

The OVERALL WINNER goes to CHARLEY in P6 from the BLUE HOUSE with her amazing artistic design! Well done!

The House Competition is well and truly heating up with Sports Week, the House Sports competitions and many other fun events already underway in Term 3!

Posted on May 15, 2024 .