Parent Questionnaire - Anonymous Responses by Friday 31st May

We invite all HPS parents to provide us with feedback and help shape the future of our school.

Over the past few years we have distributed an annual paper questionnaire to every family in our school and we received many responses. These responses are discussed at School Management Team Meetings and considered when compiling content for the School Development Plan. 

We really value your input and invite you to complete this year's questionnaire. The time you give to this is much appreciated by staff as developing strong links with parents is a very important part of the educational experience we aim to give your child. We would estimate that it will only take between 5-10 minutes to complete.

In an effort to continually improve the way we interact with you, we are introducing a new, online questionnaire this year. We trust that you will find this modern, ECO-friendly method easier than completing a paper form and having to return it to school. Your responses are treated in confidence and are completely anonymous. At the end of the questionnaire there is an opportunity to provide your name if you prefer, as this allows us to follow up on your comments.

Please complete the questionnaire by Friday 31st May. It must be completed in one session and before you can begin, you will need the password that was sent home today with your child (why?).

Posted on May 13, 2013 .