Thanks for the memories!

It was great that all the children and members of staff arrived home safely after the P7 trip to Edinburgh.

I hope everyone had a great time and will have very fond memories for many years to come of their time away.

Thanks to Mrs Clarke, Mr Field, Mrs Francis, Mr McConnell & Mrs McKeown for looking after the children so well and to the bus drivers, John and Ryan for taking us safely to and from all the venues .Thanks especially, to Mr Field for organising the school trip so meticulously. The photos and updates on the Blog were also most entertaining!

Once again, another great successful HPS school trip enjoyed by everyone. The children got so many compliments about their good manners and behaviour at the hotel, when at the various venues and also on the boat journeys. I was so proud of the children throughout our time away and the great team of teachers who cared so much for the children going above and beyond for them all.


Mrs Crookshanks

Posted on April 26, 2024 .