HPS Displays Term 1 2020

We really enjoy displaying the activities we do in P1 -P7 to give an overview of what topics are being covered in our school. Below gives you an idea of how busy we have been in recent weeks!

Thanks also to P7 pupils Mason and Ollie for taking the pictures.

Posted on November 16, 2020 .

Harvest Collection

We were blown away by the generosity shown in this year’s harvest collection for Blytheswood Care. Thank you boys and girls, mums and dads and everyone who donated. The items will be packed into shoe boxes and sent to boys and girls in Eastern Europe who have very little. We know this will mean a lot to them this Christmas.

Posted on October 16, 2020 .

Autumn Activities October 2020

Thanks to everyone who is taking part in our HPS Autumn Activities calendar.( Also to Mrs Harper for creating it!). The calendar was emailed to everyone!

Don't forget to take some pictures and email them to Mrs Harper on nharper635@c2kni.net

We'll put as many as we can onto our website!

Posted on October 11, 2020 .

Let’s Look After Our Beaches!

Two of our H.P.S pupils, Dylan (P5) and Zara (P4), were troubled by the litter and mess left by the crowds on their local beach during the bank holiday weekend at the end of May. As part of their home school learning, they decided to be proactive and write to local MLA Andrew Muir to express their concern not just on how this behaviour might spoil a beautiful spot but also on the effects it might have on the local wildlife. Earlier this week they received the following response from Mr Muir and this sign has been recently erected near to the area. As an Eco school we are proud to see our pupils speaking out to protect our beaches and local wildlife and we hope that in future these areas will be treated with more respect. Well done Dylan and Zara!

Posted on June 18, 2020 .

H.P.S Eco Schools Status renewed for the sixth time!

At Holywood Primary School we are passionate about the difference we can make as a school community in looking after our local environment. This is a whole school effort involving pupils, staff and members of our local community. We have been working this year on the renewal of our Eco Schools Status for the sixth time (this comes round in two year cycles) focusing on the topics of Waste, Biodiversity and Outdoor Learning. In term one and two our Eco committee were working very hard on conducting an environmental review of our school and promoting Waste Free Wednesdays and our school recycling schemes. Other year groups got involved too with our P7 Room 10 leading the way with bringing in metal straws and P1-6 participating in National Outdoor Classroom Day in November. We submitted an online submission for the renewal of our Eco Status in January and were due to receive an assessment visit in the spring. Due to Covid 19, Eco Schools have made their decision on the basis of the paper work and evidence we submitted in January and have granted Holywood Primary School their Eco status for the sixth time! We have held this status for over a decade now and are very proud of the pupils, parents and staff who have contributed to this. Congratulations H.P.S!

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Posted on June 11, 2020 .