May Day Fun

Children from Holywood Primary were selected to join primary school children from other Holywood schools to dance around Ireland’s only Maypole at 10.15am and 11am during the May Day celebrations run by North Down Borough Council. It was unusually cold and wet but the rain didn't dampen the spirits of the girls who put on a wonderful show. 

Posted on May 7, 2012 .

Road Safety

Following a road traffic collision last week on Church Road involving one of our pupils we would ask that everyone is extremely vigilant at both entrances to the school. For those who use the Church Road entrance, please cross at the designated area with our Crossing Patrolman, Mr Widdowson. I am pleased to inform you that our puil is making a good recovery and should be back at school in the coming days. We are also regularly in contact with the PSNI, DRD and local councillors voicing our concerns about the traffic situation outside both entrances.


Posted on April 30, 2012 .

School Refurbishment

We are delighted to inform you that four significant projects are almost completed. These are:

  • Replacement of windows in the 2-storey building
  • Refurbishment of the servery in the Dining Hall
  • Replacement of the boiler
  • Construction of a play area at the front of the school

Everyone is very excited about the changes. There have been many positive comments from the school and wider community about the improvements and how well the school is looking. In January 2012 I submitted another Minor Works application to SEELB on behlaf of the school. I am hopeful that a number of other requests from the application will be completed during 2012-2013.


Posted on April 30, 2012 .

P1-P4 Bike-It Brunch on 2nd February 2012

We had a great day. Please enjoy looking at some of our photographs below.


We all had a great day on Thursday 2nd February as we took part in the Bike-it Day. We all remembered to wear our helmets and some of them were very colourful. Policeman Chris talked to us about cycling safely.  We all need a helmet, good brakes, a bell and lights if we go out at night. We could see the reflective strips on his jacket. He said to check our bikes now and then to make sure they were safe and working properly. Then we rode our bikes and scooters all the way round to the big playground.
Many thanks to...
  • Pamela & Jackie from BikeIt
  • PSNI
  • The P1- P4 Teachers and Classroom Assistants
  • The boys and girls in P1 - P4
  • All the parents, grandparents and childminders who helped to make the day so special! 
Posted on February 14, 2012 .

PSNI Bike Safety Talk


Primary 5-7 had a bike safety talk today conducted by a PSNI community officer.

The children learned the importance of checking their bikes before they take them on the road to check they are road worthy. They also talked about the importance of wearing a helmet and bright reflective clothing.


Posted on February 9, 2012 .

Bike It Brunch


Our main Bike It event for this term is going to be a BIKE IT BRUNCH. All P1- P7 children are welcome to take part. If your child has a bike or scooter in good working order they are welcome to bring it to school for the Bike It Brunch day but this is not compulsory.

It is important that all bikes and scooters are in good working order. IT IS COMPULSORY THAT YOUR CHILD WEARS A HELMET. The day will include a range of activities some of which do NOT require a bike or scooter.



  • Bike It Cycle/Scooter Skills Sessions in the playground with qualified Bike It Education Officers. The children will practice their balancing, braking and general bike/scooter handling skills through a series of fun activities.
  •  Cycle Safety Talk
  •  Bike It Poster Competition
  •  Road Safety Awareness Session
  •  Toast and Juice Brunch



Posted on February 9, 2012 .

Hat-Trick Heroes

At Holywood Primary School we are proud to be the first school to sign up for Hat-trick for Heroes, the children’s fundraising initiative organised by the charity Help for Heroes. Neil Somerville recently came to the school to show the children two DVD’s, one explaining the challenges they will undertake as part of the fundraising event in school. The other outlined how Help for Heroes makes such a difference by supporting Service men and women who have been injured in Iraq or Afghanistan. 

The children, through their Schools Council voted unanimously for the Charity and they will be involved in helping to organise this and other events to raise money for such a worthy cause.



Posted on February 8, 2012 .