Summer Serenade 2024

Over 150 P5 - P7 children participated in the Summer Serenade this year. Well done to our P5 Year Group, Mrs Riddall’s P6 class and the P6 & P7 choir who showcased pieces they do regularly in school.

Ensembles, soloists and dancers entertained us with popular and classical music. Violins, flutes, a saxophone, recorders, clarinets, trumpets, piano and percussion instruments were on display. Thanks to our music tutors for their support of the children during the year, to Mrs Hunter and Mrs Fulton for preparing the choir. And to Miss Riddell for coordinating and preparing the children for the varied programme of events.

A very special afternoon for the boys and girls to be able to perform in front of a very appreciative audience.



Posted on June 23, 2024 and filed under Music.