HPS Charity Day for Lagan Dragons & CancerFocusNI

 Many of you will be aware that every two years HPS organises a whole school Charity event. This year our Charity Day will be raising funds on behalf of Belfast Lagan Dragons & Cancer Focus NI.

These NI charities have been specially chosen as they have supported many people in the HPS community during challenging times. Joanne from Belfast Lagan Dragons visited the boys and girls to explain about the work their Charity does.

Please view www.lagandragons.com  and  www.cancerfocusni.org to see what the charities do in more details and also where the proceeds of our fundraising efforts will go. 

Please help your child raise funds for these two worthy local charities. We would like to emphasise that your child should only collect sponsors from people you or they know.

Everyone at HPS will be taking part throughout the day on Friday 20 April.

Each child will complete a number of the following activities……             A sponsored…… skip, walk, jump, scoot, swim (P4 & P7), hop & Zumba!

Friday 20 April will be a non-uniform day.We would like the pupils to wear sports gear for their sponsored activities. 

Many thanks for your support. As well as raising funds for Charity and having great fun we want to emphasise to our boys and girls about the importance of keeping active.

Posted on April 13, 2018 .