Summer Serenade 2016

A wonderful afternoon of musical talent was on display! Every child in the school had the opportunity to perform in front of a packed audience. Boys and girls from P4 - P7 sang played flutes, trumpets, clarinets, violins, handbells, recorders and percussion instruments throughout the afternoon. Our P1- P5 classes gave a wonderful rendition of music. From animals and Egyptians to planets, pirates and dinosaurs - what a treat ! As a team to show the talent in HPS – we are so proud of everyone!

'Something Special'  was on show at the end where P6 gave a tribute to Mrs Wallace who is retiring after 39 years at HPS. (There were a few tears from staff and the audience!)

 Thank you to all the children and staff who put together such a varied programme of music and rhyme for everyone to enjoy. ( Well done to Angharad, Chloe & Poppy P7 who took photos throughout the afternoon. )

Posted on June 19, 2016 .