Holywood Music Festival

On Friday 23rd November the children in our school choir and the P6 and P7 classes will be taking part in Holywood Music Festival.

The choir will be performing in the church beside the school in a class starting at 09.30am.

The P6 and P7 children will be performing in our school hall starting at 2.00pm. The Festival committee have been kind enough to allow this class, which includes other local schools, to be held in our school to accommodate the children.

We would ask that all the performers wear a white long-sleeved shirt with a tie. The girls are asked to wear a skirt, white knee socks and dark shoes. Hair should be neatly tied back if possible. Boys are asked to wear long trousers and dark shoes.

Please come along and support the children if you can!

Posted on November 21, 2012 .